Chapter 13 - Working.

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A/N: This so hard ok. Like if I choose to write Bravery all the Travery fans will be sad. :c UGH. Btw...Travery won. c'; FYI This chapter is extra emotional and long bc why not. It's nearing the end guys...

I was never the girl to hate presenting in front of the class. I would always volunteer to read first. Nerves never really got to me, until I saw them. The two boys that had both stolen my heart, sitting there in the crowd, their eyes fixed on me. Well, everyone's eyes were on me. I was presenting a speech, but I only noticed them. I stumbled in my heels as I made it across the stage and took my place at the podium. I struggled to grasp the microphone and move it close enough to my mouth. I fixed my papers and looked into the crowd. Marce smiled, James gave a supportive 'Woo!' and Connor clapped loudly, while the two most important sat motionless. My mouth felt dry as I began my speech. 

"Hello, class of 2013," I began. I got a loud roar, which took some of the edge off and I became a bit more comfortable. "We made it," I stated, with a shaky voice. That statement almost tipped me over the edge, this was going to be a long speech."We all made it through. And we made it here. We are successful." I didn't feel emotional as I was writing this speech, but then in the moment, it hurt. All the memories of good high school days rushed back to me. I looked up to Marcie for support and she mouthed 'I love you.' I took a shaky breath and continued.

"We're moving on now guys, we're leaving the safe hallways of our little family and out to explore the big, exciting, and scary world ahead of us," I looked down at my papers and tried not to think about what would have happened if I wouldn't have come back to graduate. It was always a possibility to me, but things not working out ended up making things work out. I would still be with Brad and I would have a job, a damned good job at that, but things just didn't work out. 

"Some of us already have our future planned out and set up for us and some of us have not even a clue what is going to happen after this day. And you know what? That's great. At least we didn't give up. We kept trying," I paused as some stirred in their chairs. "I bet we can all name at least one person that we knew who isn't here today because they couldn't make it, but we did." My eyes became watery and I moved my weight onto my other foot. "I'm so glad to have met every single one of you and I can proudly say that. We have become a family," I glanced back behind me to see Steven, standing off to the side. His eyes were red and puffy and his lip quivered. I gasped as he shook his head, waving his hands at me to continue.

"These years were amazing for me and I hope this won't be the end of our journey together," I shifted my eyes from the podium to the chairs of people. One person in particular was gone from their chair. My eyes lingered and I paused. Maybe it was the end for one journey... I coughed and brought the microphone closer. "This is just the beginning class of 2013. We will always be together, family of 2013." As I finished loud claps and chants sounded through the grassy area and I stomped to my seat in my heels.

The principal said some closing words and we were free to go to our friends and families. My parents knew I wasn't going to college right away, but we made a promise that I get one year off and if it doesn't work then I have to go to college the following year. It was perfectly fine to me. It gave me time to travel and figure out what to do next. 

I climbed down the stairs and padded over to where I thought my family would be. "Ave!" Steven called. I stopped short in my shoes, I wobbled and almost fell over. He ran over to me, his eyes still noticeably red. 

I pulled him close to me, squeezing him tight. "I love you so much Stevie, never leave me again, okay?" I demanded as he twirled me around. 

He kissed my cheeks and set me down. "Jesus Christ. You got even more stunning," he concluded. 

I scoffed "What have you been up to?" I asked enthusiastically, holding his hands in mine, no longer searching for my parents or Marcie. 

"Well, I got a job on a movie," he flaunted. 

I gasped "No way!" I gushed loudly, hitting his chest. 

"Yes!" he insisted, a wide grin on his mouth. He had since grew a scruffy face. It made his baby face features look more professional. I'd never seen him this happy and for some reason it made me feel worse about my future. 

I pulled him in once again, laying my weight on his frame. "I don't know what I'm gonna do Stevie," I faltered. 

He kissed my forehead. "You'll figure it out sweetheart," he promised. "And if you don't you always have the option to marry me and you'll be set for life," he offered. 

I giggled "I may have to take you up on that some day." 

"STEVEN!" Marcie screamed running toward his open arms. She jumped to him, still screaming. I watched as James trailed behind her. 

I wrapped my arms around James, hugging him tight. "Have you been taking care of my girl?" I asked him firmly. 

He nodded. "Only the best for her," he insisted. I removed myself from the crowd to visit with my parents. 

Danny gave me flowers and provided a pep-talk about college. He hadn't even gone himself, but he sure thought he knew a whole hell of a lot about it. My father told me he was proud and my mom talked about how she knew I'd be successful. They told me I could stay with Marcie today, but I needed to check in with them. I gave hugs and said goodbye's and wandered over to an empty clump of chairs as I waited for Marcie to finish with some old cheerleader friends of hers. 

I slipped off my heels and placed them next to me on the cool grass. I took my cap off and held it in my hands, looking at it solemnly. I shook out my curls, leaning forward over my knees, my hair brushing the ground beneath me. 

"Having fun with some after graduation yoga?" a whimsical voice questioned. 

I slowly rolled my body up and looked sideways at the person. Connor smiled and I jumped from my seat as I fully saw him. I ran to him and pulled him close. "Con!" I screamed as he lifted me. 

He laughed and snuggled his face into my neck. "My sweet Avie," he greeted. He held the back of my head as he hugged me tighter. 

I laughed to keep the tears from coming out. He released me and cupped my face in his hands, examining my features with this eyes. "I missed you," I squeaked. 

He chuckled "You wouldn't have made it here if you hadn't left," he responded, letting my face drop to my chest, my eyes lingering on the ground. 

"I do regret it," I added, sitting in a chair, he joined me. He grabbed my shaky hand in his, as I lay my head on his shoulder. 

"It did you some good to come back," he insisted, patting my hand. 

"But I want to be with you guys!" I whined into his neck as Marcie wandered over to us. 

Connor laughed as he hugged me into his arms once again, my arms laying limp in his lap. "What did you say to her Connor?" she accused.

I kissed Connor's cheek and turned to Marce. "Can we just go have some fun?" I pleaded. "I want to get my mind off the overwhelming sadness that will haunt me until I figure out my future." 

Connor stood up in front of me. "Stand on the chair," he instructed. I did as I was told and stood up on the wobbly plastic chair. "Piggy back ride." I hung my hands on Connor's neck and leaned my weight on him. He lifted his arms, bouncing me in the process. I snuggled my face into Connor's neck as he carried me to the car. I tensed as I got to see who was leaning against the car. 

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