Bruises (Fred Weasley x Reader)

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It's nearly midnight when the twins enter the empty common room, laughing and high-fiving each other over a successful midnight prank. At least, the common room appears empty. You freeze in your corner as they walk in, fighting to stifle the heavy sobs that have been escaping you the last hour or so. You've become friends with the Weasley twins over the past few months, but you certainly didn't want them to catch you now. Thankfully, you had asked to borrow Harry's invisibility cloak this morning, so they can't see you. Now you just pray they can't hear you. Apparently your prayers don't work, as Fred suddenly goes quiet and holds out his arm to stop his brother.

"George, you hear something?" Fred whispers, and George frowns in concentration.

"No, I don't hear any-" He pauses when you fail to stop a loud sniffle. The twins exchange glances before making their way towards the noise.

"Hello? Is anyone there? Harry, is that you?" Fred calls out hoarsely as the two crouch directly in front of you. You recoil slightly as Fred reaches out and manages to catch hold of the cloak. He lifts it up, and both boys' faces flicker from confusion over you not being Harry to concern as they notice your emotional state. You hastily wipe your eyes, trying for a casual smile. Fred frowns.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?" He asks concerned, but it quickly turns to a gasp when he catches sight of your cheek. "Bloody hell, what happened to your face?" You quickly bring your hand up to your cheek, turning away from them. You'd forgotten about it, and you pray it doesn't look too bad yet. But the look in the twins' eyes tells you that's a useless prayer.

"It's nothing, I couldn't sleep so I came down here but I tripped on the stairs. That's-that's why I'm crying..." you finish lamely. You doubt they'll buy it but there's no way you're going to tell them the truth. You quickly stand up and brush past them. "I'd better get to bed, goodnight." You rush up the stairs and quietly stow the cloak under your bed before climbing in. You touch your cheek gently before burying your face into your pillow with another sob.

Downstairs, George turns to his brother in confusion.

"Did that bruise look like what I thought it looked like?"

"If by that you mean a bloody handprint, then yes. That's exactly what it looked like," Fred grinds out harshly. George looks horrified.

"Who would do that to her?"

"I might have an idea, but by Merlin I hope I'm wrong. But whoever it is, I swear to you, George, they're not going to get away with that." The two seventeen year-olds head to bed, faces set, determined to find out who hurt you and make them pay.

The next morning, you're up before anyone else. You stand in the bathroom staring at the hand-shaped bruise on your face, fighting back another round of tears. It's not even that it hurts that bad, you've had others before this that hurt worse. But those were all able to be hidden by your robes. This, however, is out in plain sight for everyone to see. You might as well have a huge sign on your forehead that reads, I'm being abused by my boyfriend. You sink to the floor when you think of Draco, of how stupid you were last year. It had all started off so wonderful. Valentine's Day, you'd gotten together. And he was so mysterious, charming even, and it was fun to have someone to be with. But when you came back after summer break and didn't want to be with him anymore because you didn't want to be in a relationship that you knew wouldn't ever be serious for you, he'd turned violent. He started to yell at you, threaten you, to stay with him. You kept saying you didn't want to, and he began to hit you. He accused you of finding someone else, and no matter how much you tried to tell him you hadn't, he wouldn't listen. The only reason you're still with him is because he threatened to hurt your friends if you didn't stay with him. So you stay, but everyday he hurts you, and yesterday was the first time he'd hit your face.

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