Ballad of an Algebra Student

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Well an algebra teacher went to work one day 

And he was feeling rather tired 

He was in a bind, for he was way behind 

And he didn't want to get fired

So later that day when he saw his class slacking 

And he knew he was out of luck 

He pulled out a gun, jumped on his desk 

and screamed,"Class you better listen up!"

"I don't know if you have realized 

but i'm really fed up with you all 

For when you students fail your tests 

Im the one who takes the the fall"

"Now you kids have had your fun 

At least from what I saw 

So go ahead and cry, and prepare to die 

Because i'm going to kill you all."

Well the entire classroom was in shock 

For they didn't know to do  

And everyone began to whimper 

As the teacher paced the room

He grabbed a girl in the front row 

And forced the gun up to her head 

and the he heard a voice yell from the back row 

And he couldn't believe what it said

"Stop it," the voice called out 

Witn such a courageous tone 

And it wasted no time in demanding the teacher 

To leave the poor girl alone

The teacher pulled the trigger with ease 

And pushed the lifeless corpse onto the floor 

And he couldn't help but laugh hysterically 

When he saw the voice's source

Christian was his name 

But Chris is what he went by 

And he was obviously quite arrogant 

For the poor boy could barley multiply

"Sit down Christian," the teacher laughed 

While the class was quite aghast 

"Sit down, shut up, and stay there 

And maybe i'll kill you last."

Chris said, "Sir I sincereley apologize 

For intterupting your class 

and we may be plain, but your insane 

and i'm going to kick your ass."

The teacher said, "Well I admire that about you Chris 

But you have nothing to prove 

So fear my wrath, for i'm good at math 

And I know i'm better than you"

Chris said, "Well sir I don't understand 

Therefore I completley disagree 

So now we've met, let's make a bet 

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