The Redness

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*Suddenly, the doors whip open with a bang and a mysterious figure walks into the school, "Fun storm, eh?"*

The figure drops huge shopping bags on the floor and steps into the light. Lace recognizes her instantly, Crush's older sister, Candy. Why was she here? Shouldn't she be off at college? Lace knew she went to a prestigious university and was double majoring in Computer Science and Business. She felt a twinge of jealousy at her study ethic. Sure, Lace got good grades but school stressed her out to no end, how did Candy pull it off and make it seem so effortless?

"Candy?! What are you doing here?!" Crush voiced her inner question aloud.

Candy grinned as pulled a few stray pieces of staff paper out of her shoulder length, rainbow colored ringlets with neon green nails (clearly the dress for yourself and not others gene came from her), "Spring break, my dear brother! I got home just as the Shih Tzus started tumbling out of the sky. Weirdest thing, I tried to keep one but I woke up this morning and the little guy had disappeared! Anyway, mom was worried when you didn't come home yesterday and didn't answer her calls. I figured your phone died and the electricity went out so... I came to find you! I'll just shoot her a text that you're fine and we can wait out the storm together like old times! I figured there was a congregation of little ducklings here so I brought food and games! I'm so excited!"

The "congregation of little ducklings" stared at Candy with mouths agape as Crush ran forward to hug her tightly. She was so full of energy and glee during the most terrifying time of the year. Lace couldn't wrap her head around the unattainable perfection of the siblings.

Marmie broke the silence, "I don't know about y'all but I'm real darn happy Candy braved the musical mayonnaise to bring us food. The only thing I'd be happier about would be if my little duckling got fluffed, know what I'm saying?"

Candy winked, "Ooh girl I get you... I'd fluff that duck."

"NO! CANDY! EW! DON'T YOU DARE FLUFF THAT DUCK!" Crush yelled, covering his ears and scrunching up his face in disgust.

"Hey. My body my choice, little one." His sister replied in a stern voice.

Crush groaned, "Yeah, I know. If you do, just don't tell me about it. You're my sister for duck's sake!"

Banana laughed, "That was a ducking marvelous pun."

The "little one" straightened up with pride and shot Banana a wink, "Why, thank you. I liked yours, too."

Lace felt lava rising from her stomach into her chest. Why couldn't Crush gift his winks to her? She groaned.

"Lace? Are you alright? Do you have a headache from the Cello-ing?" Crush asked, concern covering his beautiful features.

"Hmm" Thought Lace, "Ask and ye shall receive... Well, ye shall receive something close to what ye asked, anyway."

"Um... Yeah, but I'm sure I'll be fine! All I need is some rest. I hope you don't find me rude if I turn in for the night." Lace lied.

"No, not at all." Crush replied. "Was that rejection in his voice?" Lace thought, "No way just my imagination."

Dearest Robot Disaster Diary, 

I had meant to write to you last night but I caved to the whims of a man, just like Banana has always warned me not to do. It is now technically the fourth day of Freak Week, being well past midnight... Things were so wonderful on the night of the Musical Malaise, but it all became dark the next day... Or should I say Red? Oh... So sorry R-Double-D, I'm getting ahead of myself again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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