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"Ha got ya, now how are you gonna get out alive!" "JACOB, get off your computer and get a job or I'm kicking you out" "I don't need a job I'll just live here for the rest of my life" Jacobs mother was a very strict person what she said ment, no jokes no "pretending" his mother came in the room threw his computer out the window and told him to get out. With the only respect left for his mother Jacob left and thought to himself. "We'll now I need a job" so he started to drive around in his mini van until he saw a sign on a cafe shop window. "Help wanted" the sign read.

He walked in the shop to see if they were open and of curse they were. There was a girl sitting down in a chair. She appeared to be the only one there. Jacob walked up to her and asked if he could work there. She sat there and said that they were closing. Jacob looked at her face for the first time and asked if she would like to join him. Of course she said no but a second latter she changed her mind.

4 years latter

Jacob fond a job and the girl that was with him became his wife a year latter he had 2 kids in a nice little cabin up north. Soon Jacob fond out that he was not alone

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