The fallen Human

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My name's Violet, i fell down a hole one day during world war 3 all my family members exept one were killed right in front of me,the one that did'nt die was my little sister, her name was frisk, i lost her when she went on a field trip with her school to camp in front of Mt. Ebott, guess she was adventurous and climbed  it, but i've never seen her since. I used to call her "Honey" 'cause she was completely sweet with no hatred, but i've forgotten what happines felt like, i now live with pain. I decided to climb Mt. Ebott and commit suicide but instead i fell down a hole, the last thing i saw was the calm branches of the trees flowing in the wind like if there's no hatred. I woke up in a group of golden flowers, i knew their name once but.....i forgot it....hehe...typical me forgets stuff, anyway i then saw a dark pathway i said to myself,"its worth exploring than to stay here doing nothing," so i went exploring and i found a talking golden flower he said,"howdy, im Flowey, Flowey The flower,hmmmmm, you must be new to the underground, golly you must be so confused, dont worry ill guide you through the underground." He then started following me around so i just went with it. Blah blah blah, we went through puzzles and stuff until we met a goat woman thing she said she'll take us to her home, and she did we then ate some b'scotch pie then i took a nap when i woke up she told me her name was Toriel like tutorial, i then asked her when i could leave The ruins but instead she told me snail facts i then asked again and then she got up closed her book and told me,"i have something to take care of, please stay here." But i then followed her, she then told me to back off that i cant stop her from destroying The door that leads to the outside, but i ignored her and followed her anyway, she then fought me, something inside me told me i should'nt Kill her so i didnt instead i did the exact opposite and called to her She then let me go pass but hugged me before i left.

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