Chapter Three: Hospitals and Heartbreaks

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Dedicated to HeyLoverBoy. Go check 'em out!

Warning: Strong Language and Sexual References!


Chapter Three: Hospitals and Heartbreaks

Ary and her family had to wait for several hours to hear any news on her cousin. From what they had been told it sounded like Luke had been car jacked, or at least that's what the police thought had happened. Luke was found passed out, beaten to a pulp, on the side of the highway just a few miles outside of town. His truck was nowhere to be found. What else would someone from a small town think it was?

While everyone wondered about who could have done this, Ary already had a few suspects in mind. She should be looking into this, but it would be more suspicious if she left before finding out how Luke's surgery went. She didn't need to give her mother another reason to nag her. She had to act like the worried cousin. 

"Spsst! Bella!" A voice hissed behind Ary.

Ary sat up straighter in her seat and glanced around the waiting room. Her mother and aunt were over by the vending machines, whispering quietly to one another, and her dad was down the hallway, talking to her Uncle Ren, Luke's dad, and her Uncle Jack, the Sheriff. There was no one even near her so she settled back into her seat, deciding that she was hearing things due to sleep deprivation.

"Bella!" Someone hissed again as something smacked into the back of Ary's head.

Ary spun around in her seat and glanced frantically around the room. No one was paying any attention to her; they were all minding their own business. Being paranoid, her mind vaguely wondered to thoughts of ghosts, but she quickly shook the thought away. She was just sleep deprived and was hearing things. 

Just as she was about to get comfortable again, her cell phone vibrated in her pocket. Letting out a heavy sigh, she dug into the front pocket of her jeans and pulled the phone out. She had a text from her sister.

Mads: Spply clost bhind u idiot!

Ary glanced over her shoulder to look behind her. Maddie's face was pressed against the window of the supply closet door. She stepped back and started making wild gestures with her hands. Ary gave her a confused look. Maddie held up her cell phone and waved it in the air before she started typing on it. A second later, Ary's phone vibrated again.

Mads: get ur ass in here u dipstick!

Ary shot her sister a dirty look before she crawled over the back of the chair and headed for the closet. Before she even reached the door it opened and Maddie reached out to drag her into the small room.

"What the hell, Mads!?" Ary exclaimed as she was thrown against a shelf full of urinals and bedpans.

"Has Beau's mom come by to talk to Mom at all this week?" Maddie demanded.

Maddie had a crazed look in her brown eyes and she looked a little more disheveled than usual. Her dark brown hair was up in a messy bun and her face was void of any make-up. The track suit she was wearing looked like she'd slept in it. Ary had never seen her sister look like this, even when she was getting ready for bed.

"Mads, what's going on?" Ary asked her sister. 

"Beau and I broke up," Maddie blurted out.

"What!?" Ary's butterscotch colored eyes grew wide with shock as she stared at her sirsister. "You two just got engaged last month."

Maddie and Beau had been dating since the summer after Maddie's freshman year in college. Beau's dad owned the bank where Ary's and Maddie's dad worked. His family had a lot of money and a lot of influence, which is why Juliana had continuously pushed Maddie to go out on a date with Beau. 

"I know," Maddie sighed, holding her head low. "That's why we broke up."

"Huh?" Ary gave her sister a confused look. "I'm not following you."

"Beau wants to get married in September and I guess I was okay with that, but then he said he wanted to start having kids right away!" Maddie exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.

"I thought you wanted to wait to have kids until after you finished your internship," Ary frowned at her sister.

"I don't, but Beau isn't willing to wait four years. He thinks I should just drop out of med school and just become a nurse. That's why we broke up," Maddie sobbed, tears pooling down her cheeks.

"Okay, there, there," Ary patted Maddie on the back. She wasn't very comfortable with the waterworks. Her mom was so busy with Scar and Mads that Ary got left with her dad a lot when she was little. She spent most of her childhood with her dad and Uncle Jack, so she always had the tough guy mentality, and tough guys did not cry.

"I love Beau, but I don't want to give up on becoming a doctor," Maddie swiped at her tears. "I'm barely twenty-three and I still have 3 years left of med school, do I really have to start thinking about a family?" she shrieked.

Ary could understand where her sister was coming from. Maddie had wanted to be a doctor since she was a little kid. Ary could remember the days when Maddie would forcefully pin her down and stick Barney stickers all over her body. 

"Hey, I think I see the doctors coming out to talk to Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Ren," Ary announced, glancing out through the tiny window on the door. "We should really go see how Luke is doing," Ary urged her sister.

"Okay," Maddie nodded as she wiped away the remainder of her tears.

Ary let out a sigh of relief as Maddie left the supply closet to join the rest of their family. She was just about to join them when something caught her eye. Besides for the urinals and bedpans, the closet was packed full with other medical supplies. Before she could talk herself out of it, Ary grabbed a few packs of gauze, a couple suture kits and stuffed them into the waistband of her jeans. After making sure that her shirt covered them, she snatched a bottle of iodine and placed it in the pocket of her jacket. One never knew when they'd have to perform surgery out in the field.

Ary joined her family just as the grey haired doctor was finishing informing them about Luke's condition.

"Most of Lucas's injuries were just superficial, although he did sustain a pretty nasty concussion," Dr. Roarke explained to them. He was a nice old guy and kind of reminded Ary of the old guy from KFC. "He'll have a pretty nasty headache for the next few days, but other than that he should be just fine," Dr. Roark gave them all a reassuring smile before he went back to his work.

Ary didn't join in the family celebration, but instead went outside to the Snot Machine as she lovingly liked to call her car. She was ready to get back home and get some sleep after having been awake for more than 30hrs. She also needed to unload her loot before she got brought down by hospital security. Stealing drugs was one thing, but explaining why she took tools for an amateur surgery was a whole different ball game.


Comment me with your worst experience at a hospital or infirmary!! And vote if you want to live!

Pic of Mads!

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