That Boy From Yesteryears

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It was a lazy weekend, fair weather blows with tame winds, and families get together with picnic baskets and blankets, and children running around the park. On a distant tree, rays of sunlight shine through its branches, it is the most peaceful area of the park.

Below its shade, are two girls are sitting on a worn out wood bench.

"Last night was exhausting..." said the blonde girl Olivia.

"Yeah, I can't really say 'No' to my best friend, besides it was you who planned all of It." replied the Erin, as she taps her glasses upward and fixes her long red hair.

"Impressed that you managed to get to organize that reunion, not that I'm surprised though, coming from you, I expected no less. I couldn't do what you did in those four years even now it's amazing you organized reunion event." Erin was always quick to give compliments.

"Aaww, you give me too much credit, believe me it wasn't easy."

"I had some help of course! It will be next to impossible if I didn't. Tony and the boys were actually eager to lend a helping hand."

"That's nice coming from them..."

"Sorry, had to drag you in there. I know you're not fond of our classmates. Especially the boys."

"Oh, don't be, I think I'm used to them by now."

The two of them chuckle for a moment and smile at each other, Olivia set loose a wild gaze upon the tree above, she couldn't stop smiling with her head moves from left to right. Erin on the other hand, simply looks at her with a light smile.

"It's like it's been forever since we hang out in this old spot. When it was only a year we graduated." said Olivia as she snap back her eyes back to Erin

"Ah! Oh yes, I really missed those times. A year's feel like forever." Erin look straight in front, as if she was trying to avoid her sight.

Olivia look around, her head turned left and right, seeing if anybody's around. Erin puzzled by her frivolous movements, she was about to ask her what's with the restless actions but then Olivia interrupt her before she can speak;

"Hmm... Now that we are alone, tell me, did you like someone from school? A crush?" Olivia blurted a question as she strokes her chin.

"Wha-what?! Why'd you ask something like that out of the blue?!" Erin replied with her face immediately turning rosy red.

"Aw, how cute, you're blushing! So who is it?" Olivia further teased her

"I'm not blushing!" Erin put both of her palms in her cheeks

Olivia started to laugh, she tried to cover her mouth but it seems it's no use, she began laughing at her friend. Soon enough, her stomach began to hurt from all the laugh, she points at her cheeks while Erin on the other hand tried to pretend unamused despite being overly embarrassed already.

"You're so adorable, Erin!" Olivia points at her.

"No, I'm not! Stop laughing already." Erin looked flustered and annoyed with both of her arms crossed. Her cheeks are somewhat inflated whenever she's pestered.

She gave Olivia a quick tap in the head.

"Ouch! Why'd you do that for?!" exclaimed Olivia while she rubs her head

"You're already laughing like a pervert!" Erin smirked.

"Fine, fine! But seriously, didn't you like somebody?"

That Boy from YesteryearsWhere stories live. Discover now