Tag 2

21 1 4

SonofAthena tagged me. So, yeah.

Other than completing this tag, what are you doing?

"Stabbing" my book, The Shadowbirds, for Camp NaNo.

What app have you used most this week, and how long have you been on it?

The only app I've used today (beginning of week) is Wattpad, for roughly twenty minutes.

What page are you on in the book you're reading, and what book is it?
Page four of my book that I'm reading through for mistakes.

How would you describe your mood in one word?
Anxious, kind of pissed still from last night.

Which song artist do you listen to the most?
Whatever comes on the radio.

What's the first letter of your crush or boy/girlfriend's name?
Don't have one. (Why are you looking at me, DarkeCatnip?)

If you could change one thing about your looks, what would it be?
I'm not sure. I'm pretty happy the way I am... But I'd make my hair a lot longer.

Weirdest/oddest hobby?
Writing death scenes.

Favorite flower?
The purple ones. (What? I don't know schist about flowers)

What color is the shirt/top you are wearing?

In one word, describe how you think the coming week will be.
Stressful, exciting. Yes, I know, I'm rulebreaker.

What's the last thing you ate?
Erm... A skittle.

Describe the sky outside.
Grey, slowly turning blue. The sun is rising.

Favorite classical song?
I don't know... I've played so many...

How long did it take for you to complete this tag?
About 20+ minutes.

I tag...

DarkeCatnip (I know, I know, you're already tagged.)

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