thIs iS tHe thiRd Tag I've dOne in mY RemembRance

17 1 0

What's your favorite TV show?
I don't watch a lot of TV. Like, any TV. But I like Studio C and Divine Comedy, they'd be my favorite. I also watch Miraculous Ladybug, but don't tell anyone I said that.

Do you have a pet?
Two cats.

Favorite color?
Purple, green, black, and red. Definitely not in that order.

Do you own a Fandom T-shirt or something?
I do own something, yes.

Have you ever climbed a tree?
Yes. It was a nightmare.

What is your opinion on the Percy Jackson movies?
As a standalone movie couple, it was okay. But for a based-off-the-book movie couple, they're almost as bad as that new Captain America comic release.

Favorite Doctor? (Doctor Who)
Barry Crouch Jr.

Have you watched Sherlock or Merlin?
Merlin's beard, of course I've watched Sherlock!

Oldest, middle, youngest, or only child?

Do you like acting?
I live on acting.

Being a writer, do you have an unfortunate search history?
You don't even want to know.

Do you like Disney and DreamWorks like no other?

Do you have a lucky number?
I don't believe in luck. I do like the number 13, though.


13) I have a cat named Twix.

12) I have another cat named Magellan.

11) I had a dog named Snow White. He died a few years ago.

10) I'm allergic to tree nuts. Also, I'm allergic to things touching me from the neck-up and physical contact that lasts longer than five seconds. Weird, right?

9) I don't have a crush. No, I don't. Nope.

8) I am not what people think I am. Not even my best friends know who I really am.

7) I am stubborn to see the truth even though I know it's the right thing.

6)I do not have a present father in my life.

5)I have a few siblings, but all of them are older than me.

4) I have been diagnosed with something people don't take seriously.

3) I am actually quite good with knives. I would advise you not get on the wrong side of my blades.

2) I have lost my faith in humanity.

1) If you expect me to show real emotions, then you'll have to wait for a long time.


1) You must post the rules.
2) you must tag thirteen people to suffer.
3) you must answer all thirteen questions.
4) you need to write thirteen things about yourself.
5) you must write thirteen questions that the people tagged must do.
6) you cannot, and may not, say anything along the lines of "I don't like tags) in order to get out of this tag.
7) *sigh* tagbacks are allowed (but please don't do any, I'm really very busy this week and trying to finish my book next week)
8) You must do this within a week.
9) be creative with your title.
10) you have to put this in one of your stories
11) you have to do a journal entry.

Journal Entry from last summer.


Hello to all the suckers who are reading this. I applaud you for getting hold of this, because I have it with me at all times.

Shut up, idiot. Just get to the point.

You shut up too. Anyhow, I have issues.

Is that Nick-elodeon over there?

Where? Hide me!

I AM you, ya stupid freakshow.

No need to be rude. Anyway, class is about to start. We'd best go.


Yes. That was an actual conversation I had with Scarlet last summer. Told you I was weird.

SonofAthena1979 (whoops!...)

(Hey, I'm not following 13 

Hey! I'm not following 13 people.)

Do you like cheese? Why/why not?

How do you feel about pizza?

Are you an introvert, ambivert, or extrovert?

Do you trust easily?

Have you heard about the new Captain America comic release? What are your thoughts on it? Please asterisk all cussing.

Favorite video game?

Favorite Marvel/DC movie?

Favorite/most active fandom?

Number of books you've written (not including fanfiction).

What are three words you feel describe you?

How would you describe your writing style?

What's your favorite soft drink?

On a level of 1-10, how much do you like animals?

How much or a rulebreaker are you?

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