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Once I got home I placed my bag carelessly on the wooden table that resided next to the door.

I slowly make my way up the stairs and opened the door to my bedroom.

The door had creaked a little as it was opened and I made my way over to my bed.

I'll just go to sleep. Maybe this was all a dream in the first place.

* * *

"Carter, wake up." I hear a familiar voice say from across the room.

I sit up and rub my eyes but everything is still kind of blurry.

I get out of my bed to make it but it disappears before I can even touch it.

My eyes widen in shock and confusion and I take a look at my surroundings.

"You didn't forget about our deal, did you?" She asks with a soft voice.

My head turns in her direction and I forgot about the deal.

"Why am I here? Where am I?" I say cautiously as I look around the white room with nothing in it.

"You're here to pick your looks." She says but once she sees my look of confusion, she tells me the deal again. "You choose a new look for one month and within that month you have to find true love or else you go back to the same old Carter. If you find true love, you keep your new look."

I nod my head remembering every detail.

"But there is a cost to being perfect... We need you to save the world." She says seriously. "You're allowed to change your looks because the council thought you wouldn't take the deal with just saving the world." She says, the seriousness vanishing and a smile taking its place.

I felt there was another reason behind her words but I didn't comment on it.

"So... I get to pick my new look? Right now?" I ask with some excitement.

"Yes dear, it will be like your a whole different person." She replies.

She then walked over to a wall and knocked on it three times and a door appeared. She waved her hand towards the direction over the door and I silently followed her through the door.

I saw a mirror planted up on one of the white walls and I raised my eyebrow at her in confusion.

"What's your name?" I blurt out.

"Carter." She replies. "I'm your guardian angel, we are basically the same person, therefore my name is yours."

"Oh." I say feeling stupid that I didn't catch that.

She then snapped her fingers and my whole appearance changed.
I had brown eyes and dark brown hair with a narrow nose.

I looked in the mirror and shook my head no.
She kept on changing my appearance until I picked one.

I now had medium length dark brown hair and bright blue eyes.

"I pick this one." I say admiring my new look.

"Okay. Now when you wake up, you will be in your apartment and you will find your ID with your new name, and everything will be taken care of." She says with a smile. "Are you ready to wake up?"

"Yeah..." I say, trailing off while looking at myself in the mirror.

"Well then. Remember the deal. The world is counting on you... But, who knows, you may even find true love along the way." She says with a grin.

"Wait..." I say, before she can can send me back.

"Yes?" She replies, tucking a loose strand of her glowing white hair behind her ear.

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