Roxana's Revolution

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Roxana’s Revolution 

by Farin Powell

© 2012 by Farin Powell

 Roxana’s Revolution

Copyright © 2013 by Farin Powell 

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ISBN: 978-1-4759-8062-2 (sc)

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Library of Congress Control Number:  2013904798

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Image of Demonstration,

© David Burnett, from the book “44 Days: Iran and the Remaking of the World” Focal Point, 2009. Contact Press Images, Inc

To Reza, Hamid, Nahid, Nadi, and all those whose lives

were changed because of the Iranian Revolution


I would like to thank Richard and Bobby for being my first readers and critics. I’m grateful to Jimmy, Judith and Feri for their enthusiasm about my work. Special thanks to Soraya for her book club reading efforts, and finally many thanks to Ambassador John Limbert for being a class act. Despite his 444—day experience in Tehran, he still believes that there should be dialogue between Iran and the United States. The world would be a better place if we had more diplomats with John Limbert’s depth of knowledge and cultural understanding.


June 1990—Paris

Having touched death several times in her life, Roxana Ramsy has never been afraid of her own death. She fears instead for the life of her childhood friend, Lili, who’s returning to Tehran without her Iranian passport, having forfeited it after leaving a sensitive government job many years ago. Using her British passport, Lili is trying to enter Iran and free her father from jail. She is ready to endure any political consequences. Or she believes she is.

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⏰ Senast uppdaterad: Aug 29, 2013 ⏰

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