Episode 2

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Episode 2

Lunch Arrangements


Amy and Silver took their trays piled with (probably real) hamburgers and fries, scanning the cafeteria for any possible places to sit. With no real visuals, the two began to walk around until they would spot an adequate place. Students would do anything to reject the both of them from tossing their bag onto the seats or having their body take up more space. It was time to give up.

"It's no use," Silver slouched as he walked with his tray, "at this rate, we won't have time to eat at all."

Amy sighed, nodding in agreement. "We might as well eat on the floor."

Silver stopped in his tracks, pointing to the last table he could find with room for two. He wore a hopeful smile, mumbling sweet prayers they'd be allowed a seat. "Amy," he sniffled, "that could be it! Let's just hope they aren't jerks today."

Amy examined the table from where she stood. Nothing but boys, who were definitely not freshmen, laughed at seemingly hilarious banter. Then she noticed the blue boy she stalked through the Internet. Amy gulped, "I really think we shouldn't."

"Why not?" Silver had already begun making his way towards the table.

"Please," Amy begged, catching up in a petty jog, "I already embarrassed someone sitting there!"

"So? Not my problem."

Amy began to shiver. They soon stood besides the table, the boys staring up at the both of them. A moment of silence was broken by the blue haired boy when he asked, "What do you two want?"

"Do you mind if we sit here? There's nowhere else to sit." Silver seemed to have a grudge around the boys, his voice serious and rough.

"Have at it, Silver," the blue haired boy smirked, "just don't mess up this time like last night."

Silver groaned before plopping his tray down, eating his food angrily. Amy joined him awkwardly, trying her best to avoid any eye contact with the other boys. They all definitely knew Silver, but how Amy couldn't decipher.

"So who's she?"

"'She your girlfriend?"

"Awe, Silver!"

"SHUTUP!" Silver stood quickly and stomped away. Amy couldn't help but notice the redness in his pale cheeks take over as he left her behind.

"Look what you jerks did," Amy lectured them, "you ruined my one shot at making a friend!" The boys chuckled.

"Making friends isn't that hard," the blue haired one joked. "Unless you're annoying."

Amy shut her mouth in an instant. Her crush pointed out a possible flaw and picked at it like a scab. Amy shivered.

Amy's POV

He actually said it. Is that why I don't have any friends? No. I couldn't help but fluster over the idea of me as an annoying freshman.

"Hey, be nice, Sonic." The blonde haired boy nudged my crush. "She's just a girl, no need to be so hostile." He tossed a crispy fry into his mouth. "Since you're sitting here," the blonde smiled at me, "what's your name?"

"I'm Amy," I smiled, "Amy Rose. And you are-"

"How about Rosy," Sonic plopped a burnt fry onto his tray, "Rosy the Rascal?"

I felt my face burn. "W-what? No! Why?"

He chuckled, "Because you seem to be a troublesome person, like running into me this morning." His green eyes targeted mine, his lips curling into a smirk.

"I'm Tails by the way," the blonde stated, "and by the looks of it I can say we are both freshmen?"

I nodded. "It would seem so."

Tails smiled, his nice accepting nature forcing a certain feeling of warmth to form inside me, and continued to introduce the others. "That's Knuckles," he stated, pointing to the jock with blazing red hair, "and that's Vector." Vector , being the flirty jock of the group, shot me a wink as he played with his gold chains around his neck.

"Yeah, I don't have eyes for you," I rejected him.

"Whatever, hon."

Tail giggled girlishly, "You two are weird." I shrugged him off. "So what do you do, Amy? Any hobbies?"

I shuffled around uncomfortably. I couldn't mention my obsession with Sonic's face and the plethora of pictures I've saved on my phone, even if I could consider it a hobby. "I can do tarot card readings?"

"Are they accurate?" Sonic asked, more interested in what I had to say than before.

I shrugged, rubbing my arm. "I'm not sure. Hasn't seen through, yet."

"Bummer," he frowned, bored.


I turned my head to see Silver storming back. "What?" His pure white hair whipped sassily behind him.

"I found a better place for us to sit!"

"But I'm okay with sitting here."

Silver growled, finally reaching the group. "You said you didn't want to earlier, and now we have somewhere we can sit." He was right.

I got up from my seat and followed Silver in a hurry, leaving my poor tray of forgotten food behind. I waved farewell to the boys before pulling Silver back. "What is your problem?" I whispered.

Silver yanked himself free from my grasp. "It's just something that happened yesterday, don't worry about it."

"Okay," I sighed, moving off of the topic, "where are we going to sit?"

"In the stairwell."

I instantly grew disappointed. Knowing we'd be sitting on the stairs for the rest of the year, I prepared my bottom for long hours of pain and agony. But worst parts aside, that meant I'd have a friend to be with at least. Right?

"Silver," I tugged on the sleeve of his grey shirt, "You're not going to leave me right?"

His pale cheeks reddened again. "What? Why are you asking this?"

I averted his gold eyes, staring at the cold tiles on the way to our stairwell. "It's just... I don't want to be alone. You're kind of the only friend I have here." I stopped walking, now starring at my red boots. "And I just want to know if you'd ever just move on and leave me alone."

Silver stood far from me. He exhaled deeply before continuing down the hall. "If it makes you feel better. 'You coming?"

I smiled, chasing after him...

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