How to Leave Finland

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dedicated to Aidtheescape for having a lovely mind and emerging from this story with a beautiful them in their gorgeous friend.

Dear Fin,

    Wow.  I haven’t written one of these in a long time. Just writing this down now on the same stationary and same pen that I always used to, curled up in bed like I always did when writing this, nostalgia rushes through me. These letters have helped me though so much, they’ve made me a stronger person.

    Yet, so much has changed since I signed off on that last letter.

      It’s been three years and . . . well; first off, I’m engaged. I was just reading my last letter to you and I couldn’t help but laugh. I had just met Scott and now I’m marrying him! I can’t believe that in only a few short weeks, I’m going to be Mrs. Annalise Walker.

     I guess with that notice, I guess I should also add that I’m pregnant. It has been five months of having a child stir within me, needing me to support its life. When I first found out, I was so scared you can’t even imagine. I just kept remembering the abortion and . . . it was just terrible. But Scott has been so supportive, so nurturing, and I know he’s going to be a great father. Plus, we went for the first ultrasound about a month ago and my mind was blown away. She –we’re having a little girl- was so beautiful. I’ve realized that she’s what I’ve been looking for my whole life to be happy and Scott has given her to me.

    But, anyways, that’s not what I’m writing to you about I’m writing to you because I wanted to invite you to my wedding. I know it’s crazy and a little last notice and we haven’t spoken in years, but Scott and I talked about it and we decided that you and Ally belonged there. People hold big weddings to celebrate with the most special people in their lives, apart from each other, so why shouldn’t you two be there?

    I must admit that this thinking wasn’t triggered on my account. I bumped into Ally yesterday while shopping with Scott and . . . well; let me tell you about it.

     Scott and I had been exiting a baby store, picking a few things up for the nursery. Scott wanted to deck the room with gold furnishings and have a bed constructed of diamonds, but that’s not necessarily in anyone’s budget, so we’re bickering about is as we walked. That’s why  we weren’t paying too much attention, although I don’t know why Ally was.

    We just walked straight into each other.

    Scott instantly reached for me, careful to make sure I didn’t fall over. Ever since we found out I was having a baby, he had been on high alert, baby-proofing the house not just the child but for me. His fingers touched the small bump protruding from my stomach, his touch incredibly gentle. I insisted, “I’m fine, thank you.”

    And when I looked up, I was staring into Ally’s wide blue eyes.

    “Annalise,” she acknowledged. “I- well, first off all, I’m sorry I bumped into you. Secondly, it’s nice to bump into you.”

    I laughed and Scott scowled. “I’m sorry, have we met . . . ?”

    “Ally Santiago, pleasure to meet you,” she introduced herself, offering Scott a hand. Cautiously, he removed a hand from my waist to shake her hand.

    Recognition flooded through Scott’s features. “Oh, okay. Annie’s told me a lot about you, it’s nice to finally meet you. I’m Scott.”

    “I can’t believe we just bumped into each other, after all this time! Are you two busy, we could go grab a drink if you have time, catch up?” Ally offered.

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