Entering Pure One territory and saving Iris.

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We then entered Pure One territory and we saw bats flying towards us in the distance.

"Hide" said Boron and we all camouflaged ourselves with the rocks. The bats screeched and flew passed us. I looked at Boron and Griffin and nodded then took off towards the Orphanage.

"Wow look at this place it's a real dump" Griffin said looking at me.

"Yeah try looking at it everyday while growing up".

"I couldn't have done that" he said.

"You had no choice" I told him. Boron looked at me and started to downstroke.

"What's wrong"? I asked.

"I want you to lead the way you know this place better than any of us".

"If you say so" I said clenching my battle claws. I flew to the pillars and saw that bats were filling the traps with flecks.

"We should take those bats out" Griffin said. Griffin and Ezylryb flew towards them and I tilted my head. Boron, Barren you're with me. They nodded and followed me to face my past. Nyra and Metal Beak noticed that their bat army was falling.

"The Guardians do not have the power against the flecks" Metal Beak said laughing. Nyra then screeched which triggered more bats. Boron and Barren were taking out Pure One guards then we saw bats flying towards traps.

"What are they doing"? Griffin asked flying towards me.

"They are going to trap us with the flecks".

"What are flecks"? he asked.

"Pure Ones make owlets pick through pellets and they look for small crystal like materials which are effective to owls gizzards".

"Oh that's terrible".

"We need to take out those traps".

"We can use those coals to take them out". Twilight said.

"Great idea". We all flew up to the torch and opened our talons and reached in and grabbed two coals one for each talon. We looked to see if we had a clear shot.

"Twilight you're with me let's take out that one. Soren, Ezylryb take out that one on the pillar".

"Sure thing" Soren said.

"I hope you know what you're doing" said Ezylryb.

"I do sir trust me".

"Boron, Barren you scout out ahead and make sure no bats or guards or in our way". They nodded and glided down and scanned the area. Twilight and I quietly flew to a giant rock.

"Hold" I said as we landed and our battle claws gripped onto the rock.

"What's wrong"? Twilight whispered. I tilted my head up and moved my wings along the giant rock. Twilight looked around the rock and saw 3 owlets being pushed into an opening by bats.

"Cynder those owlets we have to rescue them".

"Shhh we have to see what we are up against" I said keeping watch.

"Oh sorry" he said keeping the Pure Ones in close sight.

I looked closer and saw Iris being chained down to be corrupted by the flecks.

"Twilight we need to help Iris" I said looking at him.

"What do we do"? he asked.

"You distract the Pure One and I will break her free". We looked at Iris and heard her calling for help. I got my talons ready and pushed myself into the air. Twilight followed behind me and I tilted my head to the side and he soared down and opened his talons and swiped at the soldier.

"Why you stupid Guardians" he said attacking Twilight.

"Well at least I am happy defending the Guardians unlike you Pure Ones who get killed for doing or saying something wrong".

"We will die in honor if we do something wrong".

"You don't have to live this way you can be a Guardian and fight for a better purpose". He stopped and looked him in the eyes. I slowly walked over to Iris.

"Hey Iris it's me Cynder".

"Cynder you're alive" she said in an excited whisper.

"Yeah I am but guess what" I told her breaking the chains with my battle claws.

"What"? she asked watching me.

"I am a Guardian now" I told her breaking the shackles from her legs.

"Wow you are that's amazing" she said ruffling her feathers.

"So how has it been since I left"? I asked.

"It's been hard I've had to do a lot more work and I'm really tired".

"Wow you could come with us and be a Guardian".

"You really think they would except me"?

"Of course they accepted me and look how I turned out". She saw happy I was and said "I would love to". Twilight then landed in front of me "Why are you talking to a Pure One"?

"She wants to change" I told him. Ezylryb landed and said that the guards have been taken out.

"Great work" I told them. Iris and Griffin noticed another guard and said "We'll take him out" as they flew and out of sight.

"Let's take these owlets back".

"Not so fast" Jatt and Jutt said landing near the trap.

"What do you think you're doing"? I asked

"Aww it's so cute Cynder has become a Guardian" Jatt said in a baby voice.

"What's wrong with you guys you're acting like owlets". They looked at each other and laughed. But we didn't expect an owl flying over them and breaking the trap. We saw blue lights coming out and it came straight at our gizzards and we all screamed out in pain.

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