the road to Corinth

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A computer viris has preded all over the universe a power of robotics soldiers and taking control of our world but there is one place we can be safe the domed city of corinth and the only hope we have left is ...A/n im skipping the them song. Lisin carefully Ok we dont have alot of time .it started three years ago the world reported the apprentice the rest of the cumputer virus vinjex virus a year later itwas destamatid that vinjex already effected 37 percent of the worlds computer virus again it was too late vinjex took control of the world communication a/n im going to skip the rest of that and nust get on with it.come out lets go! A guy said while exploiting are happening cornal Truman one of the gards said yes sir he said cant hold them off egale sqad? We lost concat over an hour ago sir what should I do sir?go something said Truman sir yes sir then he walked away. A bus came to a stop

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