Shrek x Eridan Oneshot

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Eridan had tears in his eyes. He realized that this wasn't a dream and he was really dead. The dream bubble was filled with ghosts. Sacrifices to distract Lord English. In the midst of them, a tall white figure stood. Eridan couldn't quite make out who it was. He walked down to the mass of ghosts and alternate dream selves of trolls and humans alike. What was to come would change Eridan's life forever. The white figure was none other than Shrek himself! "s-shrek?" Eridan whispered. "Of course it's me laddy!" Shrek answered. "i'vve missed you," Eridan said. "Me too, Eridan. I've never forgotten ye." Shrek brought Eridan into a warm embrace, followed by a kiss. Eridan was shocked. His blank, white eyes turned yellow with life in only seconds. "shrek! you brought me back to life!" Eridan said as he wiped tears from his eyes. "now is not the time for love! get back to fightin, ya hear?" A voice yelled. Meenah Peixes, the leader of this army. "Come with me, Eridan. We'll fight together." Shrek offered. "of course, shrek" Eridan said. He climbed onto Shrek's massive shoulder. Lollipop in hand, the two raced into battle. The end.

(this is stupid)

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