BuRr FinDs OuT

339 15 28

Burr walks home. He opened the door, to see Ham and John. He gapsed and covered mouth with hand. Ham got off of John and ran over to Burr. Burr started to cry. John grabbed his clothes and ran out.

"I'm Leving" Burr siad.

"NOooOoOOOoOoOo....." He sayed backto Burr.

"Yes." He sid.

"But it nothing" Ham sayedd/./

"I can't leiv any mores." Burr said taking gun oudyt.

"NO!" Ham sayed back to him. He jumped naked at Burr and hit the gun out of  hands.

Burrs aimedd hs pistol at th sky.

The bullet hit teh seling and Ham nakedlys fells on Burr noking them t flooouor.

Nows Hm lays Burr, nakeds.

Burr blushsss and ham smrks.

"You leik this?" Ham ayed to B??urr, lcking lips.

He stayed silnt, and becoms rd.

"Well?/" He [ lamped.

Bur noddddd.

Then he rippd of my shrt with  big mucesles nd smild.

"doe yu lke ths/?/" hm sugeted

"~OooOOoHHhhH yws." Burr Moned

sudely ham tore of Burr's pnts adn they mde outs, and burr was pregtant.

brr sayed "ow now i is prent!!!11!!11!!"

Thn Ham sadi "We shallll nake anothr 1."

Addd thy lved/// happly evr aftr

The ENd.

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