Authors note 4

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Hey guys Star here and I got tagged!! I have to tell 15 facts about myself so here I go.

1.) I have two dogs, one is a mutt and the other is a German Shepard.

2.) My favorite colors are Purple, Green, and Blue.

3.) I have three siblings. One sister (Younger) and two (Older) brothers.

4.) Some Of my friends call me Skyla but that's not even close to my real name. (No I'm not telling you me real name sorry.)

5.) I Love to cook and bake.

6.) I love reading.

7.) I am thinking about writing another book that's a Percy Jackson book.(Should I? I wouldn't stop this series Fwi)

8.) I started my first business when I was 9. ( I sold cookies around the neighborhood.)

9.) I am afraid of Bee's and I'm not sure why. And it's not like those OMI (Oh my Irean) it's a bee type fears it more like. Back away Bee I realy don't want to be near you or be stung type fear.

10.) I have only had one submission for my drawing cover contest. ( This is true Firephnix is the only one that has submitted and I won't just automatically make her the winner so please submit!)

11.) I Have gone Paintballing three or four times and I still have a bruis from last time.

12.) I Strained my arm so it's harder to type. ( This is one of the reasons of little updates. I strained it on my hike and it's still healing.)

13.) I am homeschooled and I just finished a online test. (I don't think I did very well.)

14.) I predicted Arron in Minecraft Dirarys would die. (If your an Aphmau fan you should know about his death. And I am not kidding I did predict it I just didn't write it here.)

15.) I'm not that sad that Arron died and I'm super worried about Laurance. (Again you should know that Laurance is missing.)

16.) I just figured out how to use italics on my I pad. :D

17.) I might post a chapter tonight.

And that's two extra bonus questions! And I can't think of anyone to tag so Bye!!

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