Heartaches and breaks

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We got to the beach and everyone exept me and Ella ran off we wandered to the sand and took off our sundresses we had matching bathing suits mint and Pink poka-dots we sat on the towels and I looked around and I can't believe what I saw. I saw Nash and Some girl that looked like McKenna and it was. That. That.That BISH! (No actual cussing) I ran off crying. Ella gave me a 'wha?' face. I explained everything to her. we are going on Dancing with the stars.
Forgot to mention. Sasha my dance partner Texted

S Hey Lily
L Sasha what's up
S What's wrong
L nothing why?
S I can see you at the beach
L are you spying on meh?
S No.
L oh... I feel dumb now.
S wanna hang with me and derek
L Can Ella come
S Of corse!
S Bye
L Bai!!!😂😋😋

We walked by Nash and Hayes and Ella did that shame thing
They looked confused. Ella rolled her eyes. "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID YOU DUMB IDIOT JERK!" She yelled. My eyes widened. Just the Shawn the beautiful swan came and ate a pancake. "Ok...." I said. "Lily wanna get food?" Nash asked. I ignored him I was tempted but not. "We have to go dance bye Loser. Ella gave them the finger. We walked to Sasha and derek and danced our dances.

Nash's POV

What did I do? "Did Lily see McKenna kiss you?" Carter asked. (Carter needed LOVE 💜💜) "Maybe she did. I messed up, Ya see Kenna came and flirted with me and She looked over saw lily and Kissed me." I said. "YOU MESSED UP BIG TIME BRO!" Everyone yelled. lets go to kennywood

At kennywood Lily POV

"I hope you fall off a roller coaster Nash." I said glaring at him. "Kenna Kissed me! I swear!" He said. "Excuses excuses!" I said. We got in line to the phantoms revenge (That was my first roller coaster) Guess what! Nash and Tay and Carter fell off the Bridge that was only 10 feet high I wish they fell 1000 ft.

To get a shout-out
Comment your fav Youtuber

Mine is aphmau and Laurance and Travis are my sempais! DON'T JUDGE MEH

-Hides in corner and cries-

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