Chapter 3 Puppies And Music

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We are now back in the living room.

Rap monster-"Jungkook take Sarang to her room."

Jimin-"Hey I should take her to my room."

Suga-"We are not stupid Jimin you just want her all to yourself."

Jimin-"Not true, if she pisses Jungkook off then he might kill her."

Jin-"I don't think she is stupid enough to do that right."

I nodded my head.

Jin-"See now go."

Jungkook picks me up and carries me to a dark room with a king size bed, a tv, and a small little pen with what looks like a dog house.



"Do you have a dog."


My eyes lit up. I walk over to the pen and saw two small puppies.

 I walk over to the pen and saw two small puppies

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"What are there names?"

Jungkook-"The mostly black one is Yin and the mostly white one is Yang."

"Thats so cute."

I forgot about everything that happened. I was just happy that there was something that was cute and innocent in this house. I started to play with the puppies while Jungkook took a shower. After he was done he came over.

Jungkook-"You should take a shower two."

"But I..."

Jungkook-"The puppies aren't going anywhere."


He hands me one of his shirts and shorts. I went inside and took the quickest shower in the world. I got out to see Jungkook on the bed watching Tv. The puppies were play fighting right beside him. Its weird how he is the sin of wrath but you never know. I jump into bed beside him.

"What are you watching?"


I look and see its a horror movie. I decided to watch it with him. Worst decision ever. I ended up in Jungkook arms with Yin and Yang in my lap. As the movie ended my eyes started to close slowly. And I fell asleep.

Jungkook-"Sarang. Wake up."

"No just five more minutes."

Jungkook-"The house is on fire."

" I don't care."

Jungkook-"Yin and Yang are sick."

"Im up! Where are they what happened!?!"

Jungkook-"I am just joking they are right there."

"Dont do that too me!"

Jungkook-"Well you wouldn't wake up."

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