After the Fact

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Natalia Collins

Today was awkward; during PE Coach Harris had me sit on the bleachers. According to him if I ran I could hurt my shoulder even worse than it already was, while I protested that I would be fine he wouldn't have any of it. It's alright because I got all of my homework for tomorrow done. As Olivia and I walked to our usual spot on the grass at lunch Adam caught my eye and gave me a nod of acknowledgement. Olivia saw this of course and promptly started pestering me asking what was going on between Adam and I even though just last night I told her everything that happened in the nurses office.

To most of the school population Olivia is a classic ‘skater chick’ she puts off that good old fashion don’t mess with me vibe most people find cliche, some people think she’s mean or rude, but I see the face behind her mask, I see what she goes through her life isn’t perfect but that isn’t my story to tell.

After school she gave me a ride home before going to work. I waved goodbye as she drove off in her VW Bug, she loved that car to bits. Unlocking the front door and walking in I dropped my backpack off in my bedroom then went to the kitchen to make myself a snack. I looked around for my favorite guilty pleasure sour gummy worms but couldn’t find any in the cupboard nor any of the other places and I had just bought a 5 pound bag of them the other day.


"Living room hun," I find my mom lying on the couch a book in hand.

"Have you seen my bag of worms?" Out of context it would have sounded odd but my family has come to know that worms to me is of the sour and gummy variety.

“I told you, you’re cut off. Those things will only make you hyper and crave sugar, and don’t get me started on how fattening they are.” My mom said before burying her nose back into her book, but I’m not done with this

“Tell me you’re joking! I haven’t had a sour gummy worm in 3 days mom! I’m going through withdrawls here!” I said only half joking, I don’t need to count calories as I have a fast metabolism and I like playing football, it’s a pretty active sport.

My mother looks at me, sighs and continues "I’m not joking, and that is final”. Knowing this conversation is over I give a huff and an eye roll before  grabbing a few carrots and some celery from the fridge; wash them off and walk up to my room grumbling while I chomp on my healthy snack.

Lying on my bed I'm faced with the terrible choice of what to do to evade my boredom. My homework has been done, I don't have any essays, and Olivia is at work.

Hmm what to do; what to do. I could go on Tumblr, but I don't feel like staying inside.

Walking onto the balcony outside my room I lean against the wood railing and soak in the suns warmth.

From here, I can see into my childhood friend Sydney’s room. Through the years of my knowing Sydney, he and I have both changed tremendously. He has grown from the class clown I first met when I moved. His boxcar bed and Spiderman sheets have been replaced by a double bed with black sheets and hidden drawers. The toys that had never been put away have now been given away or lost; they have been replaced by an X-box and a shelf solely for video games. His computer lies closed on his desk - the only part of this room that is usually clean and organized. There lies something I can’t believe.

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