The Way You Hurt Me

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A/N ~ okay so ik I said I was going to make a book full of one shots but I've decided it'll just be this one noiCe one shot. This is pretty long anyway so enjoy ^_^

Pete chewed on the inside of his cheek as he watched a blonde Patrick jump, dance and grind around on stage, mesmerized at how comfortable he looked- at how good he looked in that tight red suit, devil horns and eyeliner. Fucking eyeliner. As if Patrick hadn't been incredibly hot already.

It had been way too fucking long since he'd seen him in person, he couldn't take his eyes off of this new Patrick- surprised at how much energy and confidence he seemed to radiate, how much he was smiling and laughing, so different from when he was in Fall Out Boy, hiding behind his hats and trying to make himself seem smaller than he was.

But not anymore. This was a whole new Patrick. A Patrick who was confident about how he looked and sounded, running his hands through his bleached hair so effortlessly since he no longer had a hat to behind. Well, okay, maybe not entirely effortless because the devil horns kind of got in the way, but fucking hot either way.

The passion in Patrick's voice was the only thing that seemed to remain the same about him. A pang of nostalgia hit Pete so hard he had to look around to make sure no one had accidentally elbowed him in the gut before returning his attention back to Patrick.

Patrick was doing great on his own. Fucking amazing, actually. He looked happier than Pete had ever seen him which made him happy too, but also made him feel like throwing up. And wanting to scream. And punch the nearest person next to him, but he controlled himself. No one had recognized him yet, much to his relief, and he wasn't about to blow his cover and take the spotlight away from Patrick like he used to.

Seeing Patrick so happy weighed down on him harder than he had thought it would. Not that he wanted Patrick to be miserable or anything, but a little insecurity to match his own would've been nice.

God, he was such an asshole.

But, no. Patrick was doing so fucking well on his own. He no longer seemed to need Fall Out Boy. No longer seemed to need HIM.

Pete bit his cheek hard.


He felt dizzy and the feeling of throwing up was coming back again. Well, okay it never really left, but it got stronger.

He missed Patrick so much. So fucking much and was hoping Patrick would feel the same and would maybe even consider getting Fall Out Boy back up and running, but his mind was now telling him otherwise.

He doesn't fucking miss you, let alone need you you piece of shit.

Usually, Patrick was the only thing in his life that made sense when nothing else did. So he didn't understand why he still felt like shit. Just being in Patrick's wasn't enought. He had to talk to him, touch him, feel Patrick against him again.

Patrick continued to sing and dance his heart out onstage, unaware of Pete amidst the crowd watching him tentatively, mind racing.


Pete snuck his way backstage after the show, heart pounding and mind now racing as fast as his pulse. He didn't really have to sneak backstage, he was sure security would let him pass, but it was funner this way.

He found Patrick in his dressing room trying to take his eyeliner off, but smearing it more instead. Pete instantly calmed down the moment he caught sight of him and leaned against the doorframe watching him for a few seconds, smiling softly at how cute Patrick looked when he was frustrated.

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