My Little Fluttershy

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My Little Fluttershy ^_^

Ch 1


            “Why?... why would you?" Tears flow freely down her cheek "You haven't change a bit... I don't even... I don't know why I even got back together with you"

            I stood there watching her cry, listening to her broken hearted accusations with tears streaming down her face and choking her voice. I stood there in front of a scene that would make anyone crack in empathy, in front of a beautiful girl crying tears of her shattered life. I stood there not caring in the slightest. "Hey, In my defense, she was basically asking to get nailed. No way I'm going to pass that up"

            “Ugh!" She exclaims, taken aback "She's my sister and I'm your girlfriend!"

            “Correction" I smile 'politely', mocking her "you WERE my girlfriend... yesterday"

            More tears "so you're dumping me?!"

            "Yeah, but you can come by my bedroom anytime you want" I wink and point to my room "in fact now wouldn't be such a bad time"

            "Ugh, you know what? I'm happy this is over" she says through her tears "you're a pig" and with that she storms out of the house, a crying mess.

            I sit back in my leather armchair and light up a cigarette. Ahhh this is the life. Girls, a cigarette, and alcohol, I take a swig from a can at the foot of the couch. If there's anything more to life, I don't want to know about it. The room in front of me is my work of art, a testament to my life style. A huge 77" TV screen sits on one wall, another lined with a mix of video games and explicit movies. There's only one seat in the room, my recliner, with a mini fridge in arms reach. There's nowhere to sit for anyone but me, and not because of lack of space. The kitchen has one chair, the porch has one seat, and the queen sized bed in my room has one pillow and only enough covers for one. This is my masterpiece, my castle, my fortress of solitude. It's where I take the girls when I want to show them ‘There's only room for one person in my life, and that person is me. Last night? Yeah, I lied, and yeah, it was just a hook up’. They usually take the hint.

            My phone buzzes, it's a returned text from some girl I met the other night. I think her name's Cathy, but who cares. There's only one thing I remember about her. She's hella tight.

            "Yes, I would love to meet up later. That's my favorite coffee shop" I send back.

            'I don't even know that place ... Must be across town'. I take another gulp from the can and look up the location on my phone, then search for motels around the area. 'Looks like I'm all set to score again tonight'.

            I finish the can, drop my cigarette in, and crush it into a disk. I saucer it towards the trash bucket and it sinks in a perfect swish. The can triggers a buzzer and an artificial audience cheers.

            Now, to the average person, I probably look like a heartless animal with no emotion. Well, that average person would be sooo right . I've been through so many girls, I can hardly go into a bar without being given a dirty look by some chick I don't even remember. And I love it. Sure there was that little conscience that cries out every once in... well never. "I don't have a conscience" I say aloud, wanting to believe it. Did I have a conscience? I know I used to... until she ripped it out of me.

            BZZZT my vibrating phone interrupts my thoughts. It was Casey... or was it Caitlyn, the name's not important.

            "Gr8 :) be there @ 7. I'll be waiting ;)"

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