COOL - sodapop patrick curtis

940 22 43

cool - troye sivan

idk what it is with me and people walking in the rain


"why did you even start going out with scarlett anyways, man?" i heard dally ask soda, making me stop abruptly as i listened in to the conversation they were having in soda's room.

i was holding soda's birthday present -- a pretty, black-and-white flannel, as he'd seen it a while back and told me about how tuff it was -- and i was so excited about giving it to him.

"well," soda sighed. "it was a dare." my heart dropped. we'd been together for ten months, now.

"what?" dally laughed. "no way, man."

"i'm serious. steve dared me to ask her out and i didn't really want to, because well, y 'know..."

"what, man? because what?" i could tell that dally was grinning, even though soda's bedroom door was closed.

"because she isn't all that pretty, and she wears clothes that are way too big for her, not to mention her hair is always a mess."

i instinctively brought a hand to my disheveled hair, cringing as i felt my eyes sting and my throat close.

he's right, i thought, i am ugly.

"so, why are you still with her if she's so bad?"

"i don't really know, she's pretty cool." he shrugged, and i shook my head. i set his present down gently and walked to the front door, where i left as quietly as possible.


i studied myself in my bedroom mirror, grimacing at my wardrobe, which consisted of a baggy, striped shirt with a pair of black leggings and my boots. my hair was, indeed, a mess, but it wasn't that bad.

i decided to go to the only chick i thought could help me in a situation like this.

i went to my pal, cherry valance.

"hey, what are you doing here?" she asked, and i smiled nervously.

"i need you to give me a makeover. help me put on makeup and stuff. be pretty. can you do that?"

cherry frowned. "you already are pretty, silly!"

"i'm not," i argued, my eyes watering. "my clothes are too big and my hair is a mess and i'm not all that pretty."

"what idiot told you that?" her frown deepened, and i shook my head.

"can you please help me?"

she smiled softly at me. "come here, you tiny thing."


a hair brush, some new perfume, and a miniskirt later, i came out looking beautiful.

the thing was, was that i didn't feel beautiful.

"scarlett," cherry sighed, "you don't need all of this stuff to look pretty. you were pretty before all this."

"i just want to be known for something other than high test scores, y'know? i want to not be such a fucking nerd all the time. i know i'm smart, but i just want to be pretty and have guys ask me out on their own, not because of some stupid dare." she automatically knew i was talking about sodapop.

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