chapter three

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"Hey beautiful", Jon voice made her jump a little.

"You are late again", Tracy said making her face.

"I had to catch up on the last meeting, but let me make it up to you", he replied pretending to be guilty. "So what would you want me to do?" He asked.

"I want nothing but my date to be on time at least on Valentine's day. Is it so much to ask?", Tracy replied clearly expressing her dissapointment.

She had been waiting for him outside  Café Basil for more than half an hour, left seven voice message. Called his office informed his assistant. And yet here he was late like always.

Jon and Tracy have been dating for more than year and half, but there wasn't a single time he had been on time for his date. Tracy knew it was busy of his hectic schedule after being newly promoted to junior manager at Google. But it was more difficult than she'd imagine. Date were cancelled because of last minute meetings. Holidays were postponed. And Jon would arrive late at home and yet continue with his office work. She understood his situation too, but it was just hard for her to always be supportive.

Jon understood it too. He would send her flowers after cancellation on the date, or any stupid thing it took to see this girl happy. And as soon as he comes home, he would beg for forgiveness. If not given he would wake up early in the morning cook breakfast and wake up Tracy with a gentle kiss. And in the past seven month after they have moved together, Jon had to do lots of cooking for breakfast. But Tracy was worth it. She was one of such girls who can just inspire anyone without even speaking. Her smile would change a dull day into the many " most beautiful days" of Jon's life.

Tracy liked Jon. He was sincere, trust worthy and caring person. He would give regular calls to Tracy, after his meetings were over. And Tracy liked being mad at him, 'cause she knew he would do whatever it took to she her happy again. Yes they weren't perfect but it would be hard to disagree they were meant to be together.anyone would have said it was 'love'. But 'love' it was a heavy word for Tracy. And she never planned to fall for it again.

Jon walked up to her and kissed her cheek.

"I am sorry", he said meaning every word.

Tracy smiled. It was all she wanted to hear and the atmosphere turned romantic within second. They walked inside the café. The setting was romantic. Slow romantic songs were played at background. Almost every seats were occupied and dance floor was filled with love birds.

"Reservation on the name of Mr. Specter", Jon said at the reception.

"Here sir, your table with the view of the sea", the waiter said taking us to our table.

It was a beautiful night, mostly because Tracy was with Jon and because the night was already romantic. Jon hold Tracy's hand.

What are you thinking.


Jon smiled at her. Giving a long stare at her face before complimenting on her beauty.

Red suits you, he said making her blush and Jon was always good with words when it was to compliment Tracy about her apperence. Thought it had been more than year and half of their relationships she can't help but blush when Jon says anything about her. Like the way she felt when they first met at Julie's party.

"That guy is totally checking you out",Patrice said to Tracy.

"What?", Tracy asked shouting over the music.

"That cute guy is checking you out", she repeated making sure Tracy heard her this time.

Tracy faced his side. And there was Jon holding a bottle of beer and smiling at him. He was looking at her as if she was the only beautiful thing left in the world. When Tracy replied his smile with her own. He walked towards her.

Hey, I am Jon.

Tracy, she shouted over the music.

Would you... would you like to drink a beer or something.

Tracy shook her head. I would like to walk outside thought, she said and Jon smile glued on his face.

He took her jacket and waited for her outside. Within minutes they were walking on the almost deserted street at 11 p.m.

They talked and laughed. And Jon he wasn't able to take his eyes. He knew he was making her uncomfortable and he really didn't mean to scare her off but he couldn't help but admire her beauty. Those dark black eyes matching the moonless skies. Her lips that would occasionally cast smiles which evaporated all his stress.

What are you looking at, she had asked.

You are most beautiful girl I have ever crossed my path with. Your smile , your eyes, your hair, everything about you is making my heart beat faster. And I just can't help but stare at you, for I have never seen God make anyone as beautiful as you.

And she blushed. It never stopped since then. Whenever he talked about her, she would go red.

"Here's your drink", the waiter said bringing Tracy back to the present.

Jon was still smiling at her. But he seemed tensed.

Everything alright,  she asked

He nodded and took a sip from his drink. So did Tracy,  when she felt sometime hard against her tongue. She looked at her glass and to Jon who was practically kneeling down, holding her hand.

" Trace Green,  I have never been with anyone so beautiful like you. Every moment with you make me feel more complete. You are the only person who has made me so comfortable. So... me.  And I can't help but wish to make you mine forever and till the end of time. I know I am not a perfect person. I will make mistakes. It might be bad. I might be silly but I know with you nothing else matters because with you I shall fall in love again and again like it wore my first  time. I know it's fast but I couldn't wait any longer. You are the only one I ever needed, you are everything I ever wanted. Will you...  marry me?"

Tracy eyed Jon and then the ring she just picked out from the glass. Cliché as it was, yet she didn't see this coming. Not so soon.

' Am I ready? ,' she asked to herself. Jon kneeled on silence, and it was growing too intense. She closed her eyes.
Tracy went speechless. She wanted to speak but words, they betrayed her. And after a long pause where all of the room was staring at her and coldplay were the only voice singing on the background, she finally found her voice.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2019 ⏰

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