Chapter Six

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They spend the next few days splashing through the surf and sitting in the warm sun in the sand. Louis was pretty sure that if he ever lost harry at this point he wouldn't be able to function, his dorky ways punctuating louis day with joy.

So when harry gets sick on their fifth morning there, Louis gets overly concerned and dotes on harry. The morning starts off normally, both of them getting up and eating their breakfast before heading off to the spa, intending to spend the day there. They enter the building, harry with his hair in a bun wearing a pink swirly headband that louis was very appreciative of, because it made Harry look extremely adorable while he wore it. They head to the front desk, holding hands and smiling.

They get into the spa and head towards the masseuse's room where they were told to go. Once they get there, and the man and woman were already waiting for them.

"Just take off your clothes and get under the sheet there" The woman supplies "We'll be waiting outside" she continues and then they both leave, harry and louis undressing, doing as the woman instructed, linking hands between the tables before putting their faces in the holes below them in the table. Moments later the pair walk back in and the woman walks over to harry, the man standing over louis and they begin. Harry groans as the woman's fingers dug into his lower back, his fingers gasping louis tightly for a moment before releasing the pressure. It isn't until harry's trying to scramble off the table that louis knows something is wrong. The woman just has time to shove a garbage can under his face before he vomits violently into it. Tears running down his face when he's finished. He turns to Louis, eyes pleading and louis instantly knows what harry wants

"Wanna go back to the room?" Louis asks sitting up, pulling the thin sheet over his lap and opening his arms for harry who walks over and hugs him, nodding into his shoulder. So they leave, pulling their shorts back on and vowing to come back later in the trip. When they get back to their hotel room harry just strips off and climbs into the bed, not caring where his shorts or underwear land. He pulls the blanket up to his chin and whines

"Louis, come hold me" he sniffles sadly, pouting over at louis, his green eyes going wide and thats all it takes for louis to walk over, stripping off as well before climbing into bed and resting his back against the headboard, tucking harry into his side, harry head rested on his chest.

"Do you want me to take your bun out?" Louis asks and harry nods. Louis fingers move to undo the buckle, changing his bun that was probably giving him a headache into a loose pony tail and harry smiles thanking him.

"Do you want soup or anything?" Louis asks and harry shakes his head as louis hands him a bottle of water. Harry takes a sip and hands it back to louis, who re-caps it tucking it into the curve of his waist on the opposite side harry was on, near where harry's hand was resting.

"Just want to be held" harry says and louis smiles

"Your just a big sap you know that?" he nudges harry groans

"Stop" he says drawing it out whining slightly and groaning putting a hand on his stomach.

"Do you want me to ask for a hot water bottle?" Louis asks and harry looks up at him with watery pleading eyes and Louis reaches over to the bedside table and pulls the phone off the hook, dialling zero and waiting for the call to be answered down at the front desk. When it does he asks for a hot water bottle and a bowl of chicken noodle soup, crackers a banana and two cups of tea. The man on the other end thanks him for his call and says his order will be there soon. Louis lies down, snuggling harry to his side for a whole ten minutes before a gentle knock appears at the door.

"Room service!" Calls the lady outside and louis gets out, much to harrys protests and answers the door, after putting on some pants, allowing the lady to wheel the cart into the room before leaving. Louis grabs the hot water bottle and walks over to harry, placing it on his belly and harry sighs. Louis returns to the cart, pulling it over with difficulty and parking it right beside a hysterically laughing harry

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