Above It

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I was never trying to hurt you,
Truth is no one ever knew what I've been through.
I was beaten and broken but not in a physical sense
I was beaten an broken as in past tense
As in I have risen again
As I have learnt from my sin
Now I don't have to pick up my heart again,
Don't have to stop my chest from caving in.
I am proud of the odds I have fought against,
Regained my confidence, can't stand incompetence.
You won't look me in the eyes and lie again, you're gonna have to try again
Try to regain my trust and
Stop trying to assert dominance
When we all know it's eating at your conscience.
This time I'm conscious, not gonna fall for your false tricks
Cause they're heart felt politics and we all know that doesn't exist.
In the end it comes down to this, I already knew the risk
After  that first kiss, made me loose my senses
But it's ok it's alright may have clipped my wings but I can still take flight.

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