Folly of our youth

32 3 0

Written by cousin, my sister, my best friend.

The storms one cannot forsee,
Like the shadows that follow me,
They follow you so close behind,
Then before you can scream, the shadows upon us. .they crossed that line...
We keep them out of our mind like an afterthought,
Maybe not.

They build and build like our protected walls,
Placing hurt upon hurt until the weight becomes to much,
Our walks come crashing down,
Making but a sound except for a silence only we can hear,
Or forbidden fear,
The need to belong is an overpowering one,
Sometimes our choice is just wrong,
We flounder and realize it's to late to escape,
Swerving off the beaten path onto our unknown our forbidden.

Losing hold if the ceramic vase so carefully designed,
We become misaligned,
Until the epiphany, the moment that we see the truth...
The folly of our YOUTH.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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