Different Devils

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"We're all in the same game; just different levels. Dealing with the same hell; just different devils."

Look at her, that's Elise. You think she's okay? Look closely. Under all her loose clothes, she's paper thin. Frail, fragile and dainty. Every bone in her body sticks out prominently. That's because she barely eats anymore.

Every grain, every bite is a struggle. Food is the enemy, that's what she has taught herself. And it's slowly destroying her. Why, you ask? Why she's doing this to herself? Because there's that nagging voice at the back of her mind, constantly telling her that

she's not good enough.
But she wouldn't let you know because she hides under all those loose clothes and behind all those walls that she has built up so high.

You see that girl Arlyn? She seems completely fine, doesn't she? Just wait until she gets home. Wait until she gets to her room and completely break down in tears because once again, the day was too much for her and she couldn't take it.

She spends her nights crying into her pillow because everything is just too much and all she really wants to do is give up,

But she wouldn't let you know because all she shows is that bright smile and her friendly eyes that had once been so full of life.

You see Suzanne? At least she would be okay, wouldn't she? No! Look at her. She picks her food like her life depends on it and after that....after that, she goes to the bathroom, sits in front of the toilet and sticks two fingers down her throat. Up comes whatever she ate and down goes her self worth.

But it's nothing new, she does this after every meal. Why, you ask again? Because all the world has ever told her is that she's fat, ugly and will never be good enough.

But she wouldn't let you know because she never talks about it and hides from the world.

That's Kat. What could be wrong with her, the girl with the brightest smile and melodious laugh? Have you ever looked closely into her eyes? If you had, you'd see that they're empty. And they have been for a long time now, drained of their light and robbed of their innocence. You don't know what she does when she's alone.

The razor is her best friend and every night she slashes away at her arms, again and again, simply because it's the only thing that's keeping her sane. The world was cruel to her. They called her names, told her she was worthless, not good enough and a burden. 'Why don't you just go and die, you worthless piece of shit!' And somewhere among all this, she actually started believing them. She lost herself somewhere in the darkness and all she could find was the razor.

But she wouldn't let you know because she wears long sleeves and a beautiful but fake smile every day.

And that is Eva. She has everything anyone could ever ask for. She's beautiful, friendly and has an equally attractive boyfriend. But nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors. Her boyfriend abuses her, mentally and physically.

Truth is that she is his canvas, his fragile and dainty canvas onto which he paints down all his rage mercilessly. And she's too afraid to ask for help. She doesn't want to stay with him, yet she doesn't leave, hoping he'll change himself for better. But that day is never going to come.

But she wouldn't let you know because she steps out with the brightest of smiles and make up covering the bruises he gives her every night.

And then the day comes when Elise finally pops the whole bottle of pills,

when Arlyn finally musters up the courage to jump down from her 20th storey apartment,

when Suzanne finally chugs down the whole bottle which had skull and bones drawn on it,

when Kat finally breaks down in her bathroom and takes her razor to make that one last cut,

when Eva finally ties the rope around her neck and kicks the chair.

It's too late now. Elise has dropped down dead to the floor, Arlyn lies still on the concrete road, Suzanne has closed her eyes for the last time, Kat lies lifeless on her bathroom floor as blood pumps out of her wrist and Eva hangs from the ceiling, not breathing, her heart not beating anymore.

It's too late now. You could have saved them all. How, you ask? They didn't ask for help. But they needed it alright. They were giving out signs. All you needed to do was see. But now it's too late. They're all gone.

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