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The human race.
Interesting topic.
We're here.
On earth.
Some would say we're.
What's the word...
And I suppose that's true...
In a certain light.
We are truly world-changing.
We're just changing the world for the worst.
We are destroying this world.
We know it.
A small percentage of us.
Are doing something about it.
You know what the sick part of this whole thing is?
We know.
We know that what we are doing.
Is wrong.
And, instead of taking the scenes and pictures of what the world is coming to and trying to understand them.
Instead of trying to fix them.
We make movies, t.v. Shows, and books.
About the world coming to an end.
We have fictional characters that are helping the world more than we are.
We take our worlds death.
And we eat it up.
We want more.
We love the idea,
that our world could turn into one of those movies.
We are destroying ourselves.
And we love it.
Think about it.
But not too much.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2016 ⏰

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