Chapter 1

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I Met You and I Knew

Hey guys! I've had this idea in my head for a while and I finally got around to writing it! I hope you give my writing a chance and that you will enjoy! This is just a teaser that I wanted to post ASAP, so the chapters will be longer:)

8th Grade:

"He actually talked to me today!" Maddie squealed in delight shaking my shoulders vigorously. I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my poorly made sandwich.

"Mmm-hmm. Are we talking about this Wally kid again?" I replied my mouth half stuffed with whole-wheat bread. Maddie looked at me with great disappointment raising one eyebrow at me as if I really said what I just said.

"Wyatt. His name is Wyatt! Where did you get Wally from?!" Maddie exclaimed throwing her hands in the air exaggerating her sigh.

"From the comic book store." I replied.

"What? You know what, never mind. But like I was saying, Wyatt talked to me today!" Maddie once again said.

"And? Don't you usually talk to him?" I questioned Maddie, not getting the whole picture.

"Ugh! No Amber it's different!" Maddie groaned in frustration.

"Oh?" I began, "How so? Do enlighten me."

"You see I like usually go up to Wyatt first, but today he came up to me!" Maddie explained carefully, as if she were speaking to a toddler.

"Okay," I admitted, "That makes sense. Well I'm happy for you."

I've heard so much about this Wyatt guy that it feels like I've known him for ages. I've never met the kid either; I've only seen him in pictures. And when I say pictures, I mean photo's Maddie has managed to take secretly. So in other words, they're stalker photos.

I tossed the remainder of my sandwich into the nearest trashcan and opened my backpack. There I took out my journal and began scribbling down a summary of what happened today. 'Maddie is talking about the Wyatt guy again, will I ever meet this boy?'

Having a journal at my age was uncommon, or at least bringing your journal to school was uncommon, but I get really excited when I know I have something to write in my journal. Once I start writing I just go on and on, seeing a completely filled out journal gives the writer a weird satisfaction.

I continue to write in silence while Maddie suddenly remembered she had Spanish homework due next period and copied my answers in a rush. Things were quiet and peaceful; it was nearing the end of eighth grade so the weather was warm but with refreshing breezes. Not too hot, not too cold.

I flipped through some of my old pages in my journal to entertain myself, usually I add little notes I missed the first time I wrote in the entry or fix any grammar mistakes I overlooked. Who knows, one day my journal might be discovered and published into a book! Might as well make it interesting.

"Ah!" Maddie gasped suddenly making me flinch. I closed my journal and set it on my lap knowing Maddie was going to hit me with some news.

"So?" I began, "Why the 'Ah!'"

"Amber I totally forgot to tell you! Wyatt and I walk the same way home!" Maddie excitedly said, "To be exact, he lives only one street over! This is fate Amber, fate!"

"Ask him to walk with you!" I exclaimed cheerfully. Finally something new! Now Maddie can make progress instead of the same old "We talked today!" jumbo.

"Are you crazy! I can't just ask him!" Maddie retorted.

"Yeah! You actually can! Say something like 'Oh I think we live near each other we should walk together sometime!'" I explained excitedly. I may not always act like it, but I love romance, especially the cheesy ones.

"Amber that's way too obvious!" Maddie groaned dramatically leaning on me as if she were dying. "He's going to think I stalk him or I'm interested!"

"Well to be fair, you do kind of stalk him and you are interested. So he wouldn't be totally wrong." I laughed at how silly she can be. Is it that hard to ask someone to walk home with you? Like I'm one to talk, my experience with boys is at a strong zero percent. But I've read plenty of novels to make up for my lack of experience.

"If it bothers you that much, just 'accidentally' bump into him while he's walking home." I suggested. Maddie was quiet, quieter than usual, making me nervous that I said something wrong.

"Yes Amber yes! That's it!!" Maddie whispered-yelled. "Come one let's make a plan!"

That's how most of my lunches went, helping Maddie make plans to talk to Wyatt. Her crush didn't stop at eighth grade; it went on to mid-sophomore year until it slowly died out. All the way up to sophomore year I realized I've never seen this Wyatt guy in person, only pictures. It always got me thinking about why Wyatt was so special; after all, Maddie doesn't just fall for anyone.

Who is Wyatt Kantson?





Junior Year. (4 years later)

"Alright class, I made a seating chart that's in alphabetical order. When your name is called please switch to your new seat." Mrs.Ronna said as the class groaned in disappointment. Everyone had enjoyed their free seating arrangements the first couple of weeks.

How was I feeling? Nervous. I was very nervous for the new seating arrangements. I had sat next to familiar people since I had no close friends in that class. I also seated myself in the back of the class where I feel most comfortable. What if I get seated somewhere in the front? The thought alone got my gut twisting, I was already thinking of five different ways to explain to the teacher why I need to sit in the back just in case.

Mrs.Ronna began calling out students last names while everyone shifted from their seats. First A, then H, and now were nearing K's. I kept a steady eye trying to predict my seating, preparing myself for the worst.

"Wyatt Kantson." Mrs.Ronna called out going down her list.

Shoot, he's in the desk in the back row, the spot I wanted. I'm doomed I'm in the front!

"Amber Kulline."

Mrs.Ronna had finally reached my name. I looked at her to see her pointing to the desk to the left of Wyatt's? Wait, I'm in the back? Thank god! She's snaking the order! (Snaking is when you go up a row and over one then making your way back down in a connective order.)

I silently cheered as I sat next to the guy named Wyatt.



I hope you guys enjoyed! I will post more very soon! - Wopqueen

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