Chapter 5

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I reached for my phone, plugging in headphones, and closing my eyes to let the music take me away.

Tomorrow was a new day.





Bringggg Bringggg

There's the sound. The infamous sound that makes me very hateful. The goddamn alarm.

There are people who can wake up with a smile and a mood where they are ready to go, and then there's people like me. I am not a morning person. I wake up angry and disgusted with the world, and I feel so sorry for anyone who has to meet me in the morning.

Bringggg Bringggggg

Then there's this alarm thing. It's not MY alarm, oh no, it's my sisters. That fact itself has many problems that I can rant about. My sister, Josie, is someone who can sleep through an earthquake. Her alarm almost never wakes her up, but what does wake her up is Godzilla, a.k.a, me. Trust me, it's not a soft little nudge wake up, I will slap her leg until she wakes up. Unlike me though, my sister can handle the mornings fairly well, depending on how the night treated her. So the mornings are a double blow for me since my sister likes to wake up at 6:30 when I get up at 6:50, and to me, those 20 minutes are everything.

Bringggg Bringggg

That was the last straw, again. I swing my legs over my bed and trudge my way over to Josie's bed. I raise my strong hand and give her a nice meaty slap on the leg. Her figure jumps as her handle scrambles to turn off her annoying ass alarm. Now that she was awake I can use the restroom, wash my face, and brush my teeth. Usually after that routine I'll feel more awake, but still pretty grumpy until 8:30 am or so. I trudge my feet once again to the bathroom, feeling all the hatred I've ever felt in my entire life build up inside of me, again. It's hard waking up angry, I have to force myself to look forward to something everyday, even if it's as small as saying hi to a classmate. I splash water on my face as I apply my face wash, looking at myself to get a clear look of who I really was, well at least on the appearance side.

I had wavy dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and freckles dusted across the bridge of my nose and on my outer corners of my cheeks. Some of my friends like my wavy hair, however, I do not. I straighten my hair almost six out the seven days of the week. Wavy hair looks nice for like an hour, but when you move around a lot and work up some sweat, that hair becomes a frizzy mess. So when I discovered the hair straightener, something inside of me changed that day. I splash some more water on my face, raising my head to face the mirror again. I looked into my eyes seeing no light reflecting, as my eyes look very dead most of the time, they are the part of me look older than I am. I stare into my eyes as I had finally decided I had enough and went back to my room.

"Gah'morning. Today it's supposed to be pretty hot!" Josie said somewhat cheerfully as she scrolled through her phone checking out what songs she should play in the morning.

"Wow, don't really care. I'll wear whatever I want to without the weather's input." I snarled back. Of course I didn't mean that, I just had to get out the dark side of me, and my sister knew that very well as she just hummed a response as she picked out an outfit.

If you knew me, you would know that I hate the hot weather. I am a weak child against the sun, though I'm somewhat tan, the sun drains every ounce of energy I manage to muster up for the day. The feeling of sweat when I'm trying to work in school kills me mentally.

I rustle through my closet for a bit until I settle upon black shorts and a dark green halter top. Pairing with my already basic outfit, I decided to take it another step as I put on a hat, even if it's a fashion statement, I wear hats so I can close my eyes more often in class to snooze off. I slip on my sandals trying to mentally prepare myself for the day.

4 my girl Janessa, my loyal number 1 fan who can stomach reading my stories:,)

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