Chapter Twelve

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Hurt and scared. Again. Everyone is safe now. Hopefully. Puddle Pelt was With all kits making sure none were harmed. She got hurt though. Front Left Paw. Her most used paw.
"Are you Okay?"
"Yeah.... Um.... It doesn't hurt any more though"
"That's good" I had stayed with her since the injury. "Need some Fresh Kill?"
"Here, Everyone has Eaten already. You must be starving"
"And I am"
"Heh. I should know you"
"And you do"
"My little Puddle Pelt"
"And my Lion Claw"
"He he."
"Puddle Pelt!"
"We're acting like kits. It's not very mature"
"And look who's talking"
"Ha ha! My turn to laugh!"

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