Cafe Trouble

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"Aah.. My ass huuurts"

Heisuke whined and placed his hands on his bottom, earning amused chuckles from his boyfriend.

"Don't whine now, you were totally enjoying it last night"

Souji looked at Heisuke with a smug smirk on his face, recalling the facial expressions and noises of the shorter boy.

"I.. I didn't say I wasn't enjoying it! It huurts Souji!"

Heisuke looked up to his boyfriend whom was changing into his butler uniform with an angry pout and a red blush covering his cheeks.

"Don't be such a baby, you're overreacting"

Souji sighed which made Heisuke even angrier, he stomped his foot on the floor and crossed his arms.

"Like you would know! You just wait! One day I'll.. I'LL BE THE TOP!"

Heisuke dramatically pointed at his boyfriend which fueled Souji's amusement. A loud bark of laughter escaped Souji's lips.


Souji simply walked towards Heisuke, leaning down slightly.

"I'll be waiting for you to dominate me then Master, I'm looking forward to it"

Is what he purred into the boy's ear before walking out of his room.

Heisuke, slightly taken aback by those words, froze in shock as his face flushed a brilliant red.
Damn him.

He stomped out of the room loudly, following his taller boyfriend who was heading to work.

"I'll do it!"


"You don't believe me! Soouujii! Do you think I can't do it?"

"Since when are you so eager to talk about sex Heisuke-kun? How perverted of you"

Heisuke quickly caught up to his boyfriend and tugged on his arm with a red face

"T-that's not it! Just answer me!"

"Aah.. It's not like I think you can't do it, don't you think I'm more fitted to be the dominant one though? But if you want to be the seme so badly I won't stop you~"

"I can do it"


He isn't taking me seriously!
That bastard!
Heisuke huffed in annoyance and embarrassment but kept clinging to Souji anyway, until they reached their destination.

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