Chapter 1 - The Diary of Amerigo Vespucci

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Chapter 1 - The Diary of Amerigo Vespucci


"Nate, wait up!" Sully complains as he runs to my pace, I stop and stare at the tower in front of us. We were in the ancient city of Pompeii in Italy. According to rumors I heard from my co-treasure hunter Charlie Cutter the diary of Amerigo Vespucci was in this very tower.

The diary that holds the destination of The Garden of Eden.

"Nate! What the hell is this tower?" Sully asked in a tone of confusion and complaint, "Sully, this is the tower that holds the diary of Vespucci!" I replied, pointing on the tower in the map of Pompeii. "Nate you know very well that I care more about the treasure-" Sully started, "Than the journey. Yeah Sully you told me that various times in the drive here" I continued.

Sully chuckled and patted my shoulder while panting furiously, "Come, we have no time to waste. Help me open this door" I reminded Sully, I ran to the door and Sully walked slowly behind me, we held each handle of the door and tried to open it.

"It's stuck" Sully informed me, I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, I totally didn't know that" I answered sarcastically, Sully chuckled as I ran to the left side of the tower, I found a ladder that led to a window in the tower, I ran back to Sully, "Come on old man" I told him and tugged him to the ladder, "I told you that 20 years ago and I'll repeat it again, don't you damn call me that!" Sully said with a glare.

"Oh Victor, you know quite well that I don't exactly listen to every order" I joked as I started climbing the ladder, I heard Sully sigh deeply, I got to the window and looked around for any guards, "The coast is clear" I told Sully and climbed inside.

It was a circular room, it had brown wallpaper which was peeling off the walls along with a brown wooden floor, It was decorated with medieval paintings and shelves, I heard Sully climb in as I put my hands on my hips and sigh, Sully came from behind me and looked around, "What is this shit?" Sully asked, my eyes caught the sight of shelves that went on and on up, "Wait here, and uh- look for clues for the spot of the diary" I instructed Sully, he placed two fingers on his forehead and saluted me.

I ran to the shelves and started jumping, higher, higher, higher. I climbed up to find another room, it had the same peeling wallpaper and wooden floor, the floor was broken on some parts and it was clear that the ladder that was meant to lead from the bottom floor to here disappeared, I bended down and looked down, "Sully there is no way for you to get up here!" I called out, Sully chuckled, "Is that supposed to be bad news kid?" he asked.

I stood up and walked to the door, it took all my strength to open it but finally I did, it opened and it revealed a long staircase in a spiral, I started running up and in the middle a large portion of the staircase fell, with me on it, as quick as I could I held for dear life on the edge.

After a moment I climbed up and finally arrived to a large library, it had red peeling wallpaper and again, the same wooden floor, it had wooden closets filled with books and in the far corner was a desk, I ran to the desk and it held three diaries, I laughed happily, "Sully listen to this-" I chuckled.

"-Nate! Take the goddamn diary and hurry up here, we have company!" Sully called out, I sighed and opened my satchel, placing all the diaries in it. I hurried down the stairs, once I got to the portion that fell I jumped to the other side and kept on running, I held my gun out and climbed down the shelves, I ran to Sully who was shooting through the window, I hid on the other side of the window and started shooting through my Micro-9mm at the soldiers that shot back down below.

"Thank god Nate... Did you find the diary?" Sully asked curiously, "Well about that-" I started but Sully cut me off by shooting a soldier who climbed up the ladder, he fell on his back, blood oozing from his forehead, "Nate don't tell me we came all this damn way to find no diary at all" Sully said furiously.

I shot another soldier, "Don't be ridiculous Sully, I found three diaries" I explained, he chuckled, "How could I ever doubt it?" he joked, after the coast was clear I headed down the ladder and hid behind a grave of a "wildlife preserver" that helped preserve the tower. "Who do you think is our enemy now?" I whispered to Sully, he shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

I peaked and saw two guards coming our way, I slowly aimed at shot the ginger haired soldier straight in the chest, he became alert and he and his friend started shooting, I shot him again and he fell down, Sully shot the other one straight in the forehead. "Sully I got to say; shooting in the forehead is certainly your thing" I told him, he laughed and we walked back to our jeep.


"So, which one leads to the biblical Garden of Eden?" Sully asked me, "I honestly have no clue, but it's either the one with the red leather or the green. The blue one is a cookbook" I told him, pointing at the diary with a blue leathered cover, he snatched it and looked through, "Caboches in Potage? Verde Sawse? What the hell is this shit?" Sully asked, "Well Sully, he lived in the 1400s. No doubt that it's something rather antique" I replied, "Smart-ass" Sully muttered and placed the diary on the wooden table.

We were at Sully's cousin's cabin in Southern Italy, it was the typical "American Cabin" as it harbored bear skin for a carpet and heads of animals I don't even recognize on the wall, I shuddered just to think about it. We were sitting in the sitting room of the cabin on the wooden chairs, my legs on the wooden table that the cookbook diary was just placed on, beside us was a desk with many guns and crossbows.

I read through the diary with the red leathered cover, I skimmed between pages and my eyes caught sight of the words 'My journey to the Garden of Eden', my heart skipped with joy, "Sully I found it!" I laughed, he came behind me as I read;

"My crew and I are sailing to Israel at this moment to find the legendary garden of Eden, according to the myth is a beautiful place, not only that but there is the Ring of Power; it gives knowledge and the power to live forever to the wearer of the ring." I read, pointing at each word as I read it, "You probably already have that ring as you never seem to die" Sully laughed, I faced Sully, "Do you know what this means; it's worth thousands. Maybe even millions! " I told him.

"What is?" I heard a feminine British voice ask, Sully and I turned towards the door to reveal Chloe, we stood up to greet her, I walked towards her and shook her hand, "It's been a damn while" Chloe said with a smirk, I nodded, "Too much of a while, eh?" I replied with a grin.

I walked towards the sitting room, Chloe trailing after me, "So, the two brothers head off for another mission, huh?" Chloe asked curiously, "Brothers?" I asked with a laugh, "More like boy and grandfather" I joked receiving a push on my head from 'Grandpa' Sully.

"Well, what is it then? Another gem? Maybe an amulet?" Chloe asked, "Close, it's a ring. It gives the power to live forever and the knowledge that nobody else has. It may sound like a myth but it could be worth millions of dollars, maybe even Euros!" I explained, Chloe nodded and smirked.

"May I join you two. Maybe get a third of those millions of Euros?" Chloe asked, I looked at Sully and he shrugged, "Your the boss" he told me, I looked back at Chloe and nodded firmly, she smiled and sat down on a wooden chair, "Where are we headed to?" Chloe asked, "Israel" I responded with a nod, "Very well. To Israel we shall go"


Hello Uncharted fans!

I tried to make this as realistic and descriptive as I could.

This took me an hour to write (I know, I suck) and it might take me a while to update so please don't comment "UPDATE!"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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