Chapter Two : The Ghost Bunker.

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  So it was a little while after i picked up this odd handbook of sorts but when it came close to night i decided to read it as the first supernatural entry was something about the one of the bunkers being haunted or something i don't know i didn't read in to it much. I just read it till' i fell asleep. After what seemed to be a minute but was two hours i swear i saw a figure with no eyes and with a stitched up mouth staring at me as this black ooze came from it's eyes. I made eye contact when it got aggressive by screaming at me and it flew at me. Being quick on my feet i rolled out of bed and it went into the wall leaving a pile of black ooze on the wall as it left .

I didn't get much sleep that night when i got up after three hours of sleep i went back to the lake to read about it til . " HEY Lil' BRO ! " It was  too late my big brother Shane was already there. " Oh ...hey there Shane i was just going for a swim." I tried to lie my way out of this conversation."Okay then what's with the book ?" He asked me . I totally forgot i was holding it. " Okay fine . you got me i was going to read up about something. " I told him not wanting to go into detail . " Like what ?" He asked. Damn it i thought. " This book told me that this camp has supernatural creatures , And it's true out bunk has a ghost in it !" I told him . "Dude are you on crack or something no way . " Shane asked not amused. " wha-what no ! " i snap at him . " Fine then show me !"He teased me  "Okay i will  come to my side of the bunk at midnight ." I told him . " Okay ." He said. 

 After a day of horrible camp activities me and Shane stood up til midnight. "Well where is it ?" He asked me. " it will be here .....i hope" i said hoping for it to re-apper. " i'm go---'' Shane cut himself off as he saw the holy ghost in front of him as he was to scared to talk or even to utter a sound . The ghost did the same thing scream and run . Then we both went to bed that night scared as hell. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2016 ⏰

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