Chapter 3

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 When the pain got so bad that I couldn't hold the blade any longer I stopped. I held my arms under water to wash the blood away. Then I cleand the floor and took on my PJs and cried myself to sleep

 Caitlin's POV

When I woke up the next morning I had a headache. That's what happens if you cut too deep...I got quickly dressed after I took a shower and went to the kitchen where Demi was sitting and texting someone.

"Morning" I mumbled

"Good morning! What do you want for breakfast?" she asked

"Nothing. I'm not hungry"

She looked up from her phone.

"You okay?" she said worried

"Yeah...but I'm on my period so..." I lied

"Soo... what are we going to do today?"

"What about shopping"

"Shopping it is then" Demi smiled

I LOVE going shopping with Demi. She buys me EVERYTHING I want and we literally shop 'till we drop. It's always fun. 

"But you should wear something else. It's hot outside today" she told me

"Nahh...I'll be fine" I replied

"You sure you don't want breakfast? It's the most important meal of the day right?"

"Yes I am sure" I said a little annoyed and went to my room to get ready.

After the both of us were ready we left. It was a 20 minute drive. As soon as we got to the mall we were surrounded by some fans. Demi gave all of them an autograph and let them take a picture with her and the we headed to Topshop.

Demi loves Topshop she always goea crazy in it. Demi started walking around and took everything she liked. After ten minutes she gave me a bunch of clothes and told me to try them on. We went to the changing cubicles. I changed into a pair of pink jeans and a white top she gave me.

"Done?" Demi aked form the other side of the door.

I stepped out to show her the outfit on me.

"Turn around" she commanded

So I turned around. When I faced her again she gasped and pushed me into she changing cubicle and shut the soor behind herself.

What was going on?

"Caitlin Mariah Lovato! What the hell did you do" she asked

Wow! The number with my whole name. She never calls me that unless I did something really stupid. What the hell was she talking about? I was so confused. I had seriously no idea what she was talking about until...until I realized that I completely forgot to cover up my cuts. FUCK. When I looked at her she had tears in her eyes

"Why? Why do you feel the need to do this?" she cried taking my arm, running her fingers over the scars.

"Y-you won't understand" I stutterd

"Caitie you know that I understand better than anyone else" she whispered pulling me into a hug.

Now I was crying to.

"We should go home" she said whiping her tears away.

And for the first time ever we left Topshop without buying anything. That has never happend before...

The ride home was very quiet.

Demi's POV

Why? Why didn't I notice...I should've known. I'm such a bad sister. But maybe there is an explaination... I tried to convince myself that my baby sister wasn't hurting herself but it didn't really work.

Caitlin's POV

Shit... Demi knew my biggest secret. What am I going to do now? I can't just tell her that I accidently cut myself while I was cutting a carrott...Too many scars for that excuse.

When we arrived at Demi's and she opened the door I ran as fast as I could to my room. Of course, Demi was following me.

"Caitie we have to talk about this" Demi yelled

But I locked the door behind me so she couldn't get in.

"Caitlin open the fucking door" she commanded but I didn't.

I had other plans I was looking for my best friend. My blade...

A/N: Sorry that it took me so long. But I kinda deleted everything I already had...

By the way...this is my first fan fiction and english is not my first or second language so sorry for any mistakes .  

Always remember to Stay strong :)

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