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Dystopia, zone 1, United States of America

There had been a distress signal coming from a broken city in the midwest in zone 1, at which the bots were immediately sent to investigate the desolate site.

Upon touching earth, the machines activated a beacon of their own, along with a beam of light from their arms.

"ONE and FOUR, I want you two to stay on sentry mode as TWO, THREE and FIVE scout,"

"As you instruct," ONE and FOUR sounded in unison.

Ebner had installed a unique specialisation in each of their programme, which gave them specific roles every time they engage their targets.

It was the key to a swift and clean put - down of the invaders in every engagement.

Borg ONE was built for tanking, his large built size giving the rest a chance to strike the targets as he attracted their attention. It was the role which best fitted him due to his proportions.

ONE in sentry mode was something. His size and sheer strength had struck fear not only into the citizens, but the invaders as well.

It was the fear that made his reputation.

FOUR was significantly smaller than one, his lean built gave him away as sentry. However, he had enhanced vision, specially focused on when Ebner found out this subject had an incredibly clear eyesight.

He could detect threats even before the eye could see it, all due to the in - built receiver he had in his system.

The two borgs cocked their machine guns as they reloaded the massive weapon, it's mechanisms whirring and clicking into place as they lifted it up just about the waist.

TWO, THREE and FIVE are specialised in scouting and damaging, their wit and aggressiveness was known throughout Dystopia.

Their optics scanned the barren landscape, the information obtained from every crack and tear registered into their system.

TWO was the intelligence of the team. He could easily hack and intervene into alien technology. THREE and FIVE were the offensive, with THREE slightly more agile than FIVE.

Together they formed a formidable team.

A sudden shift in the air caught the attention of the machines, and they raised their weapons and scanned their surroundings.

The air seemed colder now, the mild wind brushing past their long coats.

"Unidentified Target, three o clock,"

At this sighting, the machines all turned to face the threat.

"Cyborgs, do not engage until I give the command,"

"Complying to your order,"

The machines anchored themselves to the ground as the target swooped down at an alarming speed, it's velocity reaching so fast it's side started glowing with the heat growing due to the friction.

Then 2 more appeared, 4, 10, they seemingly came out of the clouds, straight out from the higher stratosphere,"

"Sir, targets are hostile, waiting your permission to engage,"

The foreign beings are now diving down to their location, their claws spread out and ready to hit the Earth.


At the command, THREE and FIVE launched themselves up from their position towards the invaders, who didn't seem that small from where they were just now.

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