What am I thinking?

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I posted a poem on here called "impurity". It's not my favorite poem but there are a few people that like it and I really can't thank you enough for the support. Now I wrote this poem a couple days after I felt drawn towards perfection and purity. I tried to compare each ones possibilities and how they affected our lives, and how we act, and what we do...



I wish I were perfect,

Perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect personality, perfect grades,

The list goes on and on but still I wonder if there really is such think as perfection.

If no one is perfect, if there is nothing that is completely perfect,

Then how can can perfect exist?

What is a person who tries to be perfect?

All their lives just striving to be perfect, what would this person be like?



I wish I were pure,

Never lied, don't have to worry about being seduced into sin.

Can a person really become pure?

Are there people out there who are really completely pure?

There is pure gold, pure silver, but what about a pure heart?

What kind of person want to be pure?

With all their hearts all they want in life is to be pure,

What is this person like?


I'm going to write two chapters,

Each about a different person.

The first person wants to be perfect at EVERYTHING,

The other person, in the second chapter,

Only wished to be pure.

This is just some crazy idea for two short stories, if you like the idea then please show you support, I need it!

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