Chapter 3

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A week had already passed since I had arrived in the small town of Lakely. I started working at the cafe on my third day here and everything was running smoothly. Everyone seemed interested in the only new person that had come to town and started working in the local diner. Everyone was nice and polite unless the familiar blue truck rolled down the street. I was actually starting to like it here. It was quiet and I was starting to forget why I was here in the first place.

"Night Bonnie." I say waving at her as we walk to our separate cars. 

"Night Calla, be safe getting home." 

"I will." 

I sat down in the old car that Amelia was letting me use and sighed. It had been a long day. It was Saturday so everyone had come into town for lunch at the cafe and that meant no breaks until after five. And then the dinner hour hit and we had a small rush until eight or so. Amelia had gone home at lunch saying something about Finch's dad needing her help. I had barely gotten used to the drive to the cabin but the long silence was somewhat comforting. The moon was high tonight so the forrest was eerily lit with faint white light. I was almost to the cabin drive when a deer with giant antlers darted across the road. I slammed on the brakes and my heart stopped. Everything in my front seat slammed into the floorboards and My seatbelt slammed me back into my seat. Once the car was stopped, I was able to breath again and my heart started to beat wildly. I stared out the front window with an iron grip on the steering wheel. Another deer darted across the road followed by two more. I relaxed after a few seconds and caught my breath. I had just taken my foot off of the brake when two giant animals covered in fur sped across and into the woods. I planted my foot firmly on the brake and jerked forward.

 I stared out the window making sure that nothing else was going to cause me to get into an accident. The leaves of the bushes to my left rustled and a giant black wolf trotted across the road but stopped when it noticed my car. It stood at the edge of the faint headlights. It stared past the lights with glowing orange and yellow eyes and somehow locked eye contact with me. It must have been close to four feet tall. It crouched, making its black fur shine in the light. On an impulse I honked the horn but it only made me jump and the ferocious animal in front of me didn't even blink. A howl pierced through the air and the wolf straightened its posture and its ears stood up. It took one last look in my direction before disappearing into the woods. I let out the breath that I didn't even realize I was holding and relaxed my shoulders. After a few moments, I let my foot off the brake and drove the rest of the way to the cabin slowly. 

As I turned off the car in front of the cabin, I sat inside in silence and went over the events on the road in my mind. The deer crossing the road was a normal occurrence in fact it had already happened twice before but the giant wolf...that was new. I had seen wolves before at a wildlife center not far from my home back in the city, but that one had to be three times the normal size. Tiredness tugged at my eyes and I went inside the cabin. I would have to ask Amelia about it in the morning.


"Amelia..." I say hesitantly. 

We were opening the diner and there wasn't anyone else here yet.

"Yes?" She asked turning her attention to me.

"Last night..." I sigh. "I know this is going to sound completely crazy but please hear me out."

"Alright sweetheart." She said leaning against the back counter with a worried expression forming on her face.

"Last night, when I was almost to the cabin, some deer ran across the road-"

"Well that happens all the time." She says and her shoulders relaxed a little.

"I know, it wasn't the first time." I say. "This time however, after they had disappeared, a few...wolves ran after them."

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