Short Story 1 - History

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She licked her lips and wiped the sweat beads off her upper lips with her handkerchief which was already drenched with sweat. ‘He is almost here’ her mind started rushing, she bit her lower lip, she wanted to run and hide somewhere but it was too late. It was a lovely cool breezy day but she was sweating furiously. She was so consumed thinking about the consequences that she didn’t noticed Mr Peters standing right in front of her tapping his feet, folding his arms, staring down at her. She looked up trying to curve the corners of her mouth upwards, but she failed miserably. She was about to explain that she had slept last night, that’s the only reason she forgot to do her homework and it wouldn’t happen again, but Mr Peters had other plans altogether. He slammed his palm on the desk, which made Cathy jump from her seat. “Principal’s office, young lady.” He said pointing to the door, his eyes blood shot red. She silently sneaked out of the room and made her way down the corridor toward the glass door with broad letter saying ‘Principal’s Office’

Principal Skinner made a face when he saw Cathy. Mr Peters blood shot eyes had returned to their normal white and black colour. Mr Skinner took a deep breath and finally said “Mr Peter here tells me you didn’t completed your homework Cathy, again.” Mr Peter nodded and Cathy had the sudden urge to punch him in the face. “I can explain.” Cathy said leaning forward, searching for any sympathy in the four pair of eyes present, she found none. “You know the rules here Cathy; you have been her for so long.” Skinner said shrugging and looking at Mr Peters for approval. Mr Peter nodded again and Cathy’s urge to punch him cultivated further. She licked the blood on her lips, from biting too hard and said again “I slept, I already had so many assignment.” Principal Skinner looked at Mr Peter then at Cathy then at his desk and finally decided to speak. “I am sorry Cathy.” He took out the detention sheet and filled the details. Cathy sighed, took the sheet, bowed and excited. ‘One week of extra work’ her eyes pooped out and her mouth ajar.

She worked the whole week without a squeak. Helping the cleaning lady, stamping the books in the library, and completing her assignment left her weary by night. ‘Just one more year of this boarding school, then I am a free bird.’ She always thought this to herself before she went to bed and the first thing every morning.

She grabbed her bag, looked at herself in the mirror and walked confidently towards her history class. She placed her neatly written assignment on the desk and waited. She always hated Mr Peters. He was impatient, stereotyped, and annoying to the core, his face was enough to destroy ones day. But most importantly he hated her too so she hated him back. She was busy admiring her hand writing when she saw all the girls getting up to greet. It wasn’t Mr Peters. She got up too to get a better look, not to greet. There was a handsome young man, holding a file nervously staring at the girls. He gestured the girls to sit down and the whole room filled with mummers. Cathy heard from Cynthia sitting behind her that he was the new history teacher. He wrote his name on the board in cursive hand writing. ‘John Hann’ it read. She frowned, the assignment on her desk, burned a hole in the desk. “Hi girls, I am John Hann.” He said pointing to the board. “And I am your substitute history teacher.” He smiled and all the girls led out a sigh in unison, admiring his good looks, except Cathy who was fuming now. “So may I know how many of you love History?” His voice was smooth, clear and loud. Almost all the girls raised their hands, all shyly smiling, after all you don’t see a guy as handsome as him daily in a girls boarding school. Cathy didn’t, she sat like a statue, frowning. John tilted his head and spotted Cathy. “You don’t love History?” He asked staring right at her and all the head turned towards her. Cathy ran her fingers through her auburn hair and answered “I am neutral.” John smiled a lit bit more than necessary which made Cathy uncomfortable and all the other girls jealous. “Ok what is you name again?” He said leaning on the front bench, making the girl sitting there almost drown in his cologne, which she didn’t mind at all. “Cathy Baker” She said giving him an extra stretched smile. The rest of the class was boring, only for Cathy. All the other girls paid extra attention on World War 2 and foreign affairs and on John.

Short Story 1 - HistoryWhere stories live. Discover now