Chapter Four

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I looked at my brother while shoving a mouthful of cereal in my mouth. Quirking an eyebrow for ‘go ahead’, I chewed the cookie cereal into mush. He looked hopeful and tapped his spoon against the ceramic bowl before starting to answer. 

“Can you bring Ash over?” 

Inwardly, I choked on the pulverised cereals in my mind. My eyes widened in alert and I painfully swallowed calculating my answer. “It’s Saturday,” I reminded him dumbly

“So?” He shrugged staring down at his bowl like it was a Picasso.  

“Why do you want him to come here?” I questioned speculatively then narrowing my eyes in confusion.  

“Because he said he’d draw with me,” he answered with a slight smile on his face.”And you never draw with me!” 

My mouth dropped open in protest. “I-I...” I cleared my throat and started with a different answer. “That doesn’t mean I don’t do things with you.” 

“You didn’t answer my question,” he complained pouting at me. 

I bit my lip and suppressed a sigh. “Joey...” His pout deepened. His cute blue eyes gleamed and his lip jutted out even more. I grumbled and dropped my spoon in the bowl. “Fine.”

“You get him and I’ll get my colouring pens,” he said running out of my sight, abandoning his breakfast. 

I sighed and grabbed my phone on the right side of the table. Sometime this week, Ash managed to program his phone number into my phone. How, still astonished me. I didn’t remember giving him my phone but one night I got a text saying, ‘hey angel’ and I knew exactly who it was. We had a pretty intense argument, cap locks all over the place, about the whole number ordeal. It ended with him saying sorry. I refrained from texting him anymore and thankfully he didn’t text or call me. 

My finger hovered over the call button for two seconds before I reluctantly pressed it. It rang a few times until his melodic voice rang through the speaker.  

“Hello Angel,” he said, a grin evident in his voice. 

I cleared my throat and tried to keep my voice blunt when speaking. “Ash,” I said a sigh releasing with it.  

“What can I do for you, my lovely?” He asked with his charming voice streaming into my ears. 

I gulped and held my ground. Don’t fall for it, Rosie... “You know my brother Joey?”  

“Of course, Angel,” he replied. 

“He-he...” How is one supposed to invite someone like him to their house? “He said you told him that you’d draw with him.” 

“Oh.” You could hear the surprise in his tone. “Yes, I did.” 

“Well... do you think you could, I don’t know... come over?” I bit my tongue and counted my heartbeat since it’d raised a lot.  

“That sounds great, angel,” he answered. “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” 

“Thanks... bye.” I hung up before he could say anything.  

Internally I scolded myself. Why was I such a fool around him? Usually I’m headstrong but asking him for things like this just isn’t normal. I ran upstairs and decided I should have a shower. I stripped and walked in allowing the hot water to glide down my back soothingly. Staring up at the shower head, it trickled over my face. 

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