Chapter 4 - And I left

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I woke up with a huge pain in my neck. I sat up groggily and massaged the sore area. Looking around I took in my surrounding and remembered where  I was.  I was sitting in a lumpy, extremely uncomfortable seat in waiting room in St. Mungos. Rose's head was on my shoulder. We were here for Lily. Originally they weren't going to take her to the hospital. After all, she did assist in the kidnap and torture of two teenagers. But two days after her return her condition wasn't getting any better. We knew if she didn't get looked at by a professional she would die. It's been almost a week since she was admitted. Rose and I have only come by a few times. It's emotionally draining. We both feel so much anger and hatred for her. Nobody's seen Al since he left Grimauld Place the day Lily returned. Alice is with him and every once in awhile she stops by to tell us he's ok. I get that he doesn't want to be anywhere near Lily, but it doesn't make sense for him to shut out the rest of us.

Rose hasn't been coping to well either. She cries a lot. It makes sense I guess. But I don't think that she cries out of sadness. I think she cries because she hates this situation. I hate it too. We usually stay in the attic at the burrow. Nobody bothers us there and we have time to talk. Right as I really started to wake up a healer approached me. "I'm sorry to bother you, but Lily is asking for you." She said. I shook my head. "No." I said immediately. "She says it's important." She replied. "Fine. Let me just wake up Rose." I said with a sigh. "No, she just wants to talk to you." The nurse said with a strange look in her eyes. Letting my curiosity get the best of me I gently pushed Rose's head of my shoulder and stood up. I followed the woman into the room. She opened the door and I walked in. Lily looked awful. She was skinny and pale. She was covered in bandages and attached to many machines. Her eyes fluttered open when she saw me.

"Scorpius!" She said with a gasp. "Why are you so surprised?" I asked coldly. "I didn't think you would come." She said truthfully. "Well here I am. Now what do you want." I asked. "I want to warn you." I raised my eyebrow. "Lucius is mad. He's mad that you and Rose escaped and mad that all of his plans fell apart. He's using his anger to fuel his revenge. He's coming. You don't have much time." She said with a look of fear. "What's he going to do?" I questioned. "He's going to kill everyone. He's creating an army and he plans on taking over the wizarding world. After he does that he wants to kill as many muggleborns as possible." "So basically what Voldemort did." I asked. "Kind of. But this is different. He's going after you and Rose. He plans on torturing you both into insanity. Then he's going to make you two help him." She said. "But he already tried that and news flash, he failed." I said. "Exactly. That's what makes this so much worse. A few weeks ago he broke into the ministry and stole something. I don't know what it was. It was in a bag that I couldn't open. That's why I've come to you. You and Rose need to find out what was in that bag." She said desperately. "How? Where do we even begin?" I asked feeling overwhelmed. "Hand me my bag." She said motioning to the tattered sack next to the wall. I tossed it to her and she started rummaging through it. "Here it is!" She exclaimed as she tossed a small slip of paper to me. I looked at it and confusion filled me. "What is this?" I asked. "Read it." She encouraged. 

July 2, 2024- Department of Mysteries

"How is this supposed to help with anything?" I asked. "I don't exactly know. It fell out of the bag Lucius stole. I thought maybe it could help." She said. "I guess we can look into it." I said. She smiled. "Thank you. And I meant to ask you, how's Al?" She said. I was suddenly angry again. "Well I wouldn't know because he won't come home." I said coldly. "Why?" She asked. "Well I don't know. His sister tried to kill his two best friends. Doesn't exactly seem like he would be happy with you." I snapped. Her face fell. "Well you're here. That must mean you're less mad then you were, right?" She asked hopefully. "Actually it doesn't. If it wasn't for Rose then I'd be at home. But she wanted to stay for a little bit." I said. "So she's not mad?" She asked. "Oh she is. She just wanted to make sure you weren't dead yet." I said. Tears gathered in her eyes. "I'm going to go now. We'll look into the bag thing." I said as I walked out of the room.

I was shaking with fury. Did she really think we'd all be over what she did? How stupid was she? But I did have to admit what she told me could be helpful. But it didn't matter. What she did was unforgivable. I couldn't be here anymore. I needed to think. I made my way over to the fireplace and flooed to the Burrow and made my way to the attic. I knew Rose would be able to find me sooner or later. As far as I know she's still sleeping in the waiting room.

I directed my mind back to the task at hand. Lucius was going to start a war. He was trying to kidnap me and Rose again. He also stole something from the ministry and we had to figure out what it was. It all seemed like to much. How could we figure this out with the weight of the wizarding world on our shoulders? A felt panic ride up in my chest and I started to shake. It was like I couldn't breath. I couldn't do this. Tears slid down my face as I lied on the couch. The same thought ran through my mind.

I can't do this

I would die, or worse, get Rose killed. My body started to shake with sobs and I put my head in my hands. How would I do this? Rose doesn't deserve to be involved in this. I heard the door open but I didn't look up. "Scorpius I've been look everywhere for y-" she gasped when she saw me. "What happened?" She asked as she rushed to my side. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. "Nothing, I'm fine." I lied. "Yeah and I'm in love with someone else." She said sarcastically. "Seriously, I'm fine." I said. "No your'e not." She said simply. "And what makes you assume that?" I questioned. "Hmmmm. Lets see. To start, I woke up and you were gone. You never leave when I'm sleeping. Then Hugo told me you went into Lily's room and when you came out you looked furious. And lastly, when I walked in you were having a panic attack. So spill." She demanded. "Fine." I said. I explained the entire situation to her and by the end she had the same look of terror I had just had.

"How are we going to do this." She asked in a voice barley above a whisper. "I have no idea." I replied. "We need help." She said. I sighed. "Rose we've had this conversation several times. You know I don't agree." "It doesn't matter. Either you ask for help or I don't help you at all. And by the way, I don't need you permission to ask. I can do what I want." She said stubbornly. "I never said you needed my permission. I just thought we were in this together." I said. "We are. But if you won't ask Al and Alice to help us then I don't think we can be together anymore." She said as she looked at the ground. "Are you threatening to break up with me?" I asked feeling shocked. "Yeah. I think I am." She said as a tear slid down her face. "Rose I don't want to involve anyone else! I thought you understood that." I said. "I love you Scorpius. But until you can realize that we can't do this alone then I'm not going to help you." She said. "I can't Rose." I said as tears poured down my cheeks. "Then I'm sorry." She said. She pulled her knees to her chest and started sobbing. "We can work this out! I love you!" I said desperately. I reached over to put my arm around her but she pushed me away. "No, I don't think we can. This is your last chance Scorp. Let us get help." She pleaded. My brain screamed for me to say yes. But I didn't

She started crying even harder and I left.

Hey y'all! I'm super sorry I haven't updated in a while. This week has just been really crazy. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter even though it was a little shorter then usual. Remember to vote, comment and keep reading! I love y'all. XOXO


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