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"I.D" says the bouncer, as I pull it out. "An Aussie, look at that, go ahead" he says pulling the rope back.

"I'm with him," Mikey says flicking his I.D at him and walking in.

" Where is she.." I say more or less to myself.

"Cal just sexted Me she's left!" Michael yelles over the music.

"WHAT?!?" I say confused.

"CAL JUST TEXTED ME SHE LEFT" He says louder this time as we walk towards the bar/lounge.

The music in here is much quieter and I can actually hear myself think. We walk up to the bar. I order a beer while Mikey gets a shot of Jack Daniels

"So how long are you guys in LA?" The bar tender asks.

"Two weeks, we have a show Friday and then we get a week to just chill it's gonna be great." Mikey says downing his second shot.

"Oh your in that band aren't you? That 5 minutes of something or other."

"5 Seconds of Summer, but yeah" I say. Finishing my beer.

"You want a refill?" The bartender asks gesturing to my empty cup.

"No, give me a shot of fireball." I say slapping a twenty on the table.

"Hey Luke, look who showed up," I look up to see a girl with long wavy blonde hair, hazel eyes and a black dress walk in and sit at the bar. She started chatting with a second bartender, as he slid her a shot.

I grin taking my shot.

"I'll go talk to her. You just... Um.. Stay here." Mikey says walking over.

I loom at her, laughing with the bartender looking genuinely happy. I found myself getting jealous of the bartender. Wondering what the hell he did that I couldn't. Mikey sauntered over. And had a quick chat with her. She quickly dismissed him and turned to roll her eyes at the bartender again.

"Well, I really hope that Cal had better luck." Michael said as he sat back down. But I barely noticed as I watched Hadley Garnett walk away from the bar and out the door like she hadn't a care in the world.

I hated her so much, but if I hated her then why did I get a sinking feeling in my stomach when she was gone?

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