Prologue (1 of 2)

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  -Okaruto's P.O.V.-
  The black she-cat stared at her reflection in the gently trickling stream, deprived of emotion. She pondered whether she should reveal herself to the Clan tonight, in the morning, or to keep watching them until next moon. Her dark purple eyes glistened as the rising moon reflected off of her pentagram necklace.
She listened to the sounds of the dusk. Mice scurrying to their nests. The fluttering of an owl's wings as it headed out for tonight's hunt. The wind blew the noise of a wolf howling in celebration of the full moon. Her sharp ears flattened as she heard this. She hissed softly under her breath, trying to calm herself down. "It was far from here, Okaruto. Far from h-" A branch snapped behind her like thunder resonating across the forest. She whipped around, narrowing her eyes and scanning the clearing. Her breathing and heart rate increased.

-Rainpaw's P.O.V-

The grey-blue pelted tom's bright green eyes were closed as he grumbled to himself. He had accidentally put some parsley with the borage leaves because he wasn't paying attention and was more focused on the patient they had. Dripplefall had snapped angrily at him and told him to go gather more herbs, even though it was moonrise. As he stepped through the territory, he opened his eyes and headed towards the stream where some comfrey grew.
  As he approached, he spotted another cat and quickly took a breath to identify who it was, but instead of getting a Clan cat's scent, he received a loner's scent and his eyes widened. Should he run back to camp and tell the others? No. They were probably all sleeping. So instead, his curiosity got the best of him and he tried to get closer, and instead of looking where he was going, he stepped on a stick, making it crack. He froze and stared at her as she whipped around and scanned the small clearing by the stream. He quickly ducked,hoping the underbrush would hide him. His bright green eyes remained open and continued to stare at her, before he realized she had purple eyes and a strange collar on her neck. He honestly thought this was cool, he had never seen a cat with purple eyes, and he'd admit, they were a little pretty, and they clashed so well with her pelt...He snapped at himself. He wasn't allowed to fall in love! It was against the Code! He couldn't help the way his heart beat wildly in his chest as he looked at her before he silently wished, I hope she's as kind as she is pretty...

-Okaruto's P.O.V.-
"H- Hello?" she stammered out. It was a Clan cat, and by the scent of him it was a medicine cat. Toughing up, she stood straight and called out. "Is that Dripplefall or Rainpaw?" she asked, making it clear she'd been watching the Clan. "I know it's one of you; your smell is different from the others'." Her fur was flat and her claws were sheathed, showing that there was no hostility. "Since you medicine cats don't fight, I won't fight. I would just like to talk." Her voice was steady now.

-Rainpaw's P.O.V-

She knew his name? How?! He sniffed and caught a small scent of the Clan mingled with her scent. Had she been watching the Clan recently? Then he snapped back to reality as he heard her request. He shook slightly, but stood up and stepped out the brush, he braced himself for the she-cat to betray her words and attack him. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.... he thought as she didn't.

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