Chapter 5

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         I'm going to try to do it in all of their POV's. It might not be good just a fair warning

         As I'm looking down at my knuckles, I hear Ian's footsteps run past the door. I jump when he starts pounding on the door, yelling at me to open the door. I slump to the floor as the memory, that I have been pushing back for all these years, resurfaces.


         I sprint up the stairs as I hear my dad's truck pull into the driveway and lock myself in my room. I hear the door slam shut.

         "Where is that slut we call our daughter?" my dad slurs.

         "She's no daughter of mine," my mom spat out. "Gemma get your ugly ass down here right now!"

          Now's the time to stand up for yourself, I thought. It's now or never! "I'm not going downstairs just be beaten up!"

          "What the fuck dids you joss say!" Blake (my dad) yelled/slurred.

          "Blake, you're a bully and I'm done being your fucking punching bag! I have had enough!"

          "Bitch, you're deed nuw yous slot!"

           I hear him stumble up the stairs. He starts pounding on my door. I crawl over to the side of my bed that is furthest away from the door. After a while, the pounding on my door stops. It was eerily quiet, but I knew better than to check to see if he is still there. Out of nowhere, my bedroom door flew off of its hinges and crashed onto the floor. I look at Blake and saw him starting to walk towards me slowly.

           "You thought yous was smert, din't you? Yous thunk I would've nah hurt yous, weel yours wrung! Tonight I'ms gonna draw bloods!" Blake slurred. He brought his hand away from behind his back. He had a broken beer bottle in his hand. Blake lunged across the bed, trying to get me. I got up and tried to run, but Blake grabbed the back of my right leg. He pulled me back slightly, but just enough so that I was close enough for him to do serious damage. I tried to keep my scream in when he pulled my leg into a position that made it feel like all my tendons were ripping. I screamed out when he drove the beer bottle deep into the back of my knee. Once he yanked it out, he yanked me around to face him and punched me in the face, I dropped to the ground. Blake walked over and slapped me across the face with so much force that I started to see black dots and then I faded into unconsciousness.


           I shakily get on all fours and crawl to the bed. I curl up into the fetal position and just cry.


           I could hear Gemma crying. " Jack, where's the key to your room?" I ask him as I try opening the door again. I need to help her now, I thought. I hear him shuffle around.

           "Ian, why are you trying to get in my room?"

           "Gemma's in your room crying. I think she might be hurt. She kept punching the door and then I heard her hit the floor. Please, unlock the door, please?"

            "Okay, okay. Calm down." I rushed, well practically ran, into the room once he unlocked the door. I looked around and saw her in the bed crying. I ran over and cradled her in my arms. She put her head into the crook of my neck and kept apologizing to us.

             "Shhh, Gembug, you did nothing wrong. You have no need to be sorry," I say, hoping it will calm her down. But I guess I was wrong when she started sobbing even more. Wow nice job, Ian. You made her cry even more than she already was. I give Jack a look that says, more like screams, "help me." Jack carefully takes her from my arms and gently places her on the bed and pulls the covers over her. He walks around to the other side and lays down beside her, pulling her close, cuddling her. After a couple of minutes, she stops crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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