My Love (highschool drama)

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My name is Monae Josie Foster. I am 16 years old, 5'5, light skin, with long curly and thick brown hair with golden highlights. I am Puerto Rican, Filipino, and black. Sadly I am a orphan. I've lived in the same foster home since I was born, so my last name really fits me huh? I have no clue who my parents are or who they might be and I never want to find out. The only thing I know about them is that they had me when they were teenagers and that they didn't want me so they sent me here, to Marvel Foster Home. I live in South Philly. Yeah I know, not the best part of town.

So you want to know about my life. It sucks! I have no friends, family, and i'm bullied at school because i'm an orphan. I've been adopted about 5 times but they always sent me back here. I figured out why the 3rd time I got sent back. It was because I was an outcast, I have always been different. Like at a talent show if everyone sings I would dance, when all the girls wear there hair out with short shorts and tank tops, I would wear sweat pants and a hoodie. I would always come home with bruises from school, so our neighbors would think my adoptive parents beat me giving them a bad reputation. I gave up hope on finding a foster family. No one is going to want me. I just have to wait until I am 18 and I will be out at college.

But anyways...our caretaker at the foster home called us all down stairs. This happens about once every week. We are all called downstairs and this random couple chooses which foster child they want. I scooped Monique up him my arms and carried her downstairs. She is the only one I like in this foster home. Monique is a adorable 4 year old little black and Puerto Rican girl. I love her like she is my own blood. We treat each other like sisters. I don't know how I would survive here with out this little girl. I walked downstairs and got into the line and set Niq down. We stood as this nice looking lady walked in with our care taker. She smiled at all of us and scanned us. Her eyes stopped on Monique.

Lady: oh she is adorable!! I would like to adopt her

She pointed at Monique. The lady picked up Monique but she kept squirming and reaching out for me.

Monique: NOOO!! NAE!! 

Lady: what's wrong sweetie?

Monique jumped out of her arms and ran to me clinging on to my leg. I bent down and hugged her.

Monique: i'm not leaving without Nae!

She might be 4 years old but she speaks really well. I looked up and the lady was smiling down at us.

Lady: oh really?

Monique: yes! I will not leave without Nae!

The lady bent down to our level and smiled at Niq.

Lady: how about I adopt both of you?

My eyes widened.

Monae: what?

Before she could answer Niq jumped up and down squealing.


I smiled at her and scooped her up squeezing her in my arms. I looked at the lady and she motioned for us to follow her. We walked to the front and she signed all of the papers. We didn't need to pack anything because we have nothing. We left and walked to this nice silver range rover. I buckled Monique up in the back seat and I slid into the front passengers seat. The lady got into the drivers side and we starting driving off.

Lady: so your name is Monae?

She glanced over at me smiling and looked back at the road.

Monae: yes ma'am

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