My Name is ChuKevin Wattpad

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Its time to tell you about the story of the fourth Petrova doppleganger….



It’s the 4th of January and snow is falling.  Well the ice that falls on the Moon rocks.  I have spent all my 22 years life on this spherical rock.  Its beautiful… for a day, not 22 years.  Thankfully, the Moon Assasins have no t let one of those years to go to waste.  Ive been training from about 6 years old to become a Assasin.

Whats an Assassin?  Well the official definition is: A murders of an important person in a surprise attack for political or reglious reasons.

But I liked to see it as justice  Justice for the weak and the poor.

So after intensive combat training, intense study of modern, cultural, political news and a incredibly detailed study on modern technology and electronics.  We were study for anything and everything.  My favourite, as was many other people, was the weapon training.  The weapon armoury got larger and larger each year, with the most skilled graduate of each year being able to pick one of any weapon from it.

Guess who happened to be the most skilflfull graduate of 2080?

Your’s truly… ChuKevin Wattapad.

I picked the Electrical Swords of Ancient Moon History.

For what?

With only two pieces of info:  They were full of super creepy creatures and they were Kevins, I think.

My Name is ChuKevin WattpadWhere stories live. Discover now