Chapter Seven: The Mountain

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The boys braved the mountain. They climbed into the mountains and headed for their city.

They ended up getting caught in a storm and the five of them took shelter in a cave. It was horrid and when it passed they kept going. Once they got to the top Sasuke in a harsh whisper said, "What now?"

Naruto said, "Now we head down the mountain. We gotta be careful. So you ride Yakul and I'll walk in front of him. This way if he hits Ice then we all don't fall."

The way down was tretrous. It wasn't easy with it being steep like it was. When they got halfway down the mountain Naruto said, "That city there in the distance that's Kaliko."

"I can't believe werw almost there. Man it seems like it took forever." said Sasuke

"It took us four months to find a village. Two to get up the mountain. And another one to get here. So i figure it'll take another to get down. And two more to get to Kaliko. So all in all we should be back in Konoha in say a year." said Naruto

Sasuke groaned and said, "Man this sucks ass. But its better than being dead."

"Hey could've been worse." said Naruto

"How?" said Sasuke

"You could've been stuck this whole time with Sakura." said Naruto

"Oh my lord your right. And not funny man. That's not worse that's a fucking nightmare." said Sasuke shuddering

Naruto chuckled and said, "Its true though."

Naruto turned and tightened the packs more and Sasuke saw his face and touched his cheek. Naruto smiled at him and said, "Why?"

Sasuke said, "You got a beard coming in already. Did you know that?"

Naruto reached up and snorted and said, "Looks like it. Oh well more protection for me."

Sasuke snorted and did the same to his own and said, "Yep but least I don't gotta shave yet."

Naruto was walking and said, "Think Sensei has to shave?"

Sasuke said, "Don't know. Maybe he just trims it like Asuma does and hides it under the mask."

Naruto said, "Could. Think its grey?"

"His hair is so maybe. I mean yours is coming in blonde so maybe." said Sasuke

Naruto snickered and said, "If Sakura was a boy her beard would be pink."

Sasuke laughed and said, "Oh man your right. That's funny. Do you think that's natural?"

Naruto said, "Don't know. Her mom has blonde hair and her dad has red. So maybe. If it is I feel bad gor her kids."

"Why?" said Sasuke

"Uzumaki are predominately red haired and violet eyed. My father was blonde and blue eyed cause his father is. As am I for that reason. Its possible her kids could have pink hair." said Naruto, "Oh man imagine. Pink haired Uchiha. It would be weird with the sharingan man."

Sasuke shuddered and said, "Not funny man. But your right it would."

Naruto slipped and fell down the mountain and landed on the bottom. Sasuke was with Yakul and came down to where he was. He got down and ran over.

Naruto pushed himself up and said, "Oh man that hurt like hell."

"You ok?" said Sasuke

"Think i broke my arm." said Naruto

Sasuke checked and said, "Yeah. Hang on I'll splint it and then we can go."

Once done they headed off. Naruto said, "Told you it would take us a month to get down to the ground."

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